Dinner Time... again.

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As soon as they sat together, Bruno reached for her hand on the table, and she gladly gave it to him. He squeezed it, meeting her eye, and looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world. She genuinely couldn't remember ever being this happy. Or horny. But mostly happy.

Their lovely moment was interrupted by the arrival of their starter.

In front of them was placed a plate of small, sad looking dumplings.

"Pierogies a la Willentina" they announced. "Bon happy eat"

Jas cut into one, finding it filled with what looked like large chunks of half-mashed potato. She poked it, finding it barely cooked. She turned up her nose a little, frowning at it.

She looked at Bruno, who looked absolutely horrified

"Did they call this a pierogi?"

Jas giggled quietly. "Doesn't pass the Kaminski test?"

"I feel like my Babcia will take away my last name if I eat this."


"My grandma"

"Is that... what language is that?"

"Polish. And these pierogis are a crime against Poland."

Jas lifted her plate, eyeing the sticky, gelatinous bundles and frowning slightly. "And against people who like food."

"Have you had them before? Pierogies, I mean?"

Jas shook her head. "I don't think so."

Bruno grinned at her. "They're not like these, I promise. They're so much better. I'll make them for you when we get out of here."

Her heart fluttered a little. When we get out of here. She thought.

She smiled at him. "I'd like that."

They looked at each other warmly for a moment, having just made plans together for after the villa.

She pursed her lips together, wanting to end the adorkable silence between them. "So, I thought you were born and raised in Liverpool?"

He winked at her. "Tehnically, I was, yeah."

She laughed, biting her lip and teasing him. "Then you're just as Polish as I am, scouser."

Bruno scoffed at her, raising his eyebrows, pretending to be offended. Then, to Jas's surprise, he spoke.

"Myślę, że jesteś niesamowita, a zaimponowanie ci jest dla mnie bardzo ważne."

Jas almost spat out her drink. Everyone's mouth fell open.

"I'm sorry, what!?"

He smirked at her.

"Oh my god! Bruno! I had no idea!"

He laughed, lifting his water glass, casually sipping it. "You assumed"

She laughed, incredulously. "How did I not know this? What the hell! Are you fluent?"

He shook his head, smiling "Nah, not fluent. I only ever learned enough to be able to order food and impress girls"

"Well, shit, it's working!"

He blushed a little, and she beamed at him.

"Do you have family in Poland?"

"Yeah, 'course, but mostly extended. My immediate family are all in the UK"

"Except for your aunt, in Australia?"

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now