Thanks, you too

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The dressing room the following morning was a mess . Outfits getting borrowed, arguments over the hairdryer, makeup going missing... Jas almost found it a little overwhelming. Angie had rolled her eyes when Jas had asked to do her makeup, but had eventually relented.

"One of them has to be good for me, right? I feel like I say this every time there's new boys... but this time feels different."

"You were interested in Cora for a bit there, though" Jas said quietly

Angie nodded. "Yeah, and look... I was definitely open to it. I love her as a person, but I... I think I'm looking for something a bit more serious than she can give me"

Jas's mouth fell open. "Ange... you just acknowledged you want something serious"

Angie nodded at her again. "I know. I feel like I'm... there . I genuinely do. I really hope I like one of these boys... because I feel like for the first time, I'm actually open to it."

Jas smiled at her best friend. "I'm so fucking proud of you babe. You've come such a long way"

Valentina grinned at them. "Come on, babes, include us all in the chat. You must be excited for the new boys, Ange!"

Angie nodded, grinning.

"What about you, Jas? Excited for the new boys?"

Jas raised an eyebrow at her, silent.

Everyone busted up laughing.

Tiff sighed. "Honestly, you and Bruno are absolute goals ."

Jas laughed. "Thanks, babe, I think so. And look, I'm excited for them to arrive, because it'll be fun to have new people, but I'm not excited in the same way Angie's excited, if that's what you mean."

Tiff and Cora squealed a little.

Jas pulled on a teal bikini with chains criss-crossing across her chest.

Angie's eyes went wide. "God damn, Jas, at least give us a fighting chance"

Jas smiled at her.

"You're not saying much today, sweetie. Are you okay?" Thabi gripped her arm.

Jas nodded, but pursed her lips. "I have a weird feeling."

Bruno walked in. "Uh oh, Jas's feeling is back. He walked over to Jas, kissing her gently on her cheek. "You okay, babe?"

She nodded, turning her attention to his wet, freshly washed hair. "Can I do your hair?"

He grinned at her. "Yeah, sure!"

She took a comb giggling, and parting his hair down the middle, letting it fall to the sides.

He laughed, "Awesome, I look like I'm in a 90's boy band"

The girls all cracked up. Jas combed his hair back properly, and blow dried it, styling it with some of Valentina's products.

Everyone gushed over Bruno's hair, especially him, and he thanked Jas by planting multiple overdramatic kisses all over her face.

"You look incredible , by the way, have you worn this one before?"

She shook her head. "I forgot I brought it with me, to be honest!"

"Well you look fucking awesome. Don't worry about today. We'll be okay."

Jas sighed, the knot in her stomach growing. She took his hand, and walked downstairs, patting Angie's bum for good luck as they walked.


This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now