I can do that, too

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Jas woke up slowly that morning, feeling safe and secure in Bruno's big, strong arms. His arms felt huge today. He must have been sneaking in extra workouts or something. She made a mental note to compliment him on it. She pressed back into him, feeling his hard cock pressing against her. His hand instinctively stroked her chest, moving closer to her breast. She rolled over, eyes still closed, looking forward to smelling his beautiful morning scent, and was instead hit with an unfamiliar one. It was warm. Exotic. Expensive. Very sexy . But unfamiliar. She panicked, going completely rigid, as she realised she was in bed with someone else.

She remembered where she was just as Tom was properly stirring.

She looked around, realising they were the only two left in bed. Fuck . That means Bruno probably saw her getting spooned by Tom. She lifted the corner of the duvet, attempting to slide out without fully waking him. A rush of cool morning air nipped at her feet.

He stretched his arms out in front of him, wrapping one around her and effortlessly pulling her back into him under the duvet.

"Where do you think you're going?" he groaned, sleepily. "It's cuddle time"

She giggled, allowing it. He was so warm and cozy. He pulled her into him and snuggled his face into the crook of her neck, pressing his lips against her, but not kissing her. She definitely saw why one of the girls he'd dated had given him an award for it. He really was a champion cuddler. Her stomach rumbled a little.

"It's breakfast time. I'm starving. I'm gonna go get something to eat."

"Wait! Wait!" His eyes snapped open "Let me make it for you."

She immediately felt a two-pronged pang of guilt. The first, for enjoying being cuddled by Tom a little bit more than she probably should have enjoyed it. The second, for not telling Tom about Bruno.

She had to tell Tom about her and Bruno last night. It was only fair. If she was going to give him a shot, he needed to start on a playing field that wasn't built on lies.

Jas gave him a small, hesitant smile. "That's sweet, but you really don't have to do that, Tom. You don't have to try and impress me."

"No, please! It would be my pleasure. You agreed to get to know each other, I'm getting a cuddle, and I got to kiss your head. it's the least I can do." He giggled, beaming at her. He genuinely wanted to do this for her .

She laughed. "Tom...I..."

His face fell. "Darn, changed your mind already?"

"No, not at all. I just need to come clean about something."

She sat up. Tom sat up with her.

She sighed. "Last night, when I was tidying up the kitchen, Bruno came in. We ended up making a cocktail, which turned into about six, and then one thing led to another and..."

Tom waited for her to finish her sentence.

Jas felt ashamed. "... we slept together."

Tom was silent.

"Oh... That's... not ideal?"

"No, it's not. I'm... Tom, I'm sorry."

Tom waved her off. "It's not your fault."

Jas furrowed her brow at him. "How do you figure that?"

"It's not. It's mine. I stole you from Bruno. I already knew there would be lingering feelings there. I didn't predict this, but I understand"

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now