Never Have I Ever: Reprise

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Bruno held Jas as their Jeep rolled down the driveway, her bottom lip trembling as she waved. But he chuckled as she immediately turned to Valentina.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about being so melty about Angie. I'm so happy you guys are still here, I must have made you feel like shit. I'm so sorry."

Valentina had also been crying, and pulled Jas into a hug. "Aww hun, it's okay. We understand. You and Angie were like... god. You and Angie were You and Angie! It's okay to be upset!"

Jas shook her head. "Nup, no way. We have to go and celebrate. Right now. I insist. Shots. "

The others cheered, and the six of them ran back inside, laughing as Jas chanted.

" Shots! Shots! Shots!"

As she got to the kitchen, the production team passed her a few bottles of spirits, clearly thinking that some alcohol would be an excellent idea.

"We should play a drinking game!" Thabi yelled.

Everyone enthusiastically agreed.

Jas giggled. "What about Never Have I Ever, but like, of stuff we've done in the villa?"

Bruno eyed her, feigning horror. "Exactly how drunk are you planning on getting, babe?"

Everyone cracked up.

James grinned. "What do you say, finalists? Up for a game of Never Have I Ever - Villa Edition?"

They cheered, and Bruno put his hand up.

"Alright. I'll go. Never have I ever done bits in this kitchen."

Tom and Valentina both immediately drank, and James and Thabi looked at each other... and both drank. Prompting a round of squeals.

Thabi shot him a look, laughing. "Alright, then, never have I ever done bits in the pool ."

"Oh, I hate you" Valentina groaned, laughing, as she and Tom drank.

Jas and Bruno looked at each other, horrified. " We just jumped in there!?!"

Valentina laughed. "Oh, babe, it was ages ago. The chlorine would have fixed that."

"Ewwwwww!" Jas groaned.

Valentina laughed loudly. "Okay, never have I ever woken anyone up with my moaning?"

"You have too!" Tom laughed.

Valentina looked at him, and then gasped, as they shared an unknown moment of realisation between them, bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Oh my god Jas, drink. Drink a lot ." Thabi laughed. " You too, Bruno" .

"Me!? When!? "

Thabi frowned. "That night on the roof terrace? After Najuma and Dylan went home? I fell asleep. But I wasn't asleep for long ."

He groaned loudly, and everyone laughed as he drank. "C'mon Jas, your turn."

Jas glanced at Valentina, ready to spring for payback.

" Never have I ever seen my O-face"

"Yeah, thanks again for the show yesterday, babe" Valentina laughed, as she downed her drink. Everyone laughed, as she told them the story.

"Bruno, I'd hope you'd be drinking for this one, mate." Tom laughed. But Bruno was already walking to the cupboard. He pulled out a beer stein, and jokingly started filling it from the tap, as everyone laughed. And he downed the water as fast as he could.

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