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"Are there 'ANY' books on the table? Yes, there are 'SOME' books on the table." / "No, there are 'NOT ANY' books on the table."


"'HOW MANY' books are there on the table? There are 'TWO" books on the table. / "There are 'NONE'." ( = 'NO ONE')


"Is there 'ANYTHING' on the table? There is 'SOMETHING' on the table." / "There is 'NOT ANYTHING' on the table."


"'WHAT' is on the table? There is 'A BOOK' on the table." / "There is 'NOTHING' on the table."


"Is there 'ANYBODY' in the classroom? Yes, there is 'SOMEBODY' in the classroom." / "No, there is 'NOT ANYBODY' in the classroom."

'WHO'?, 'HE', & 'NOBODY'

"'WHO' is in the classroom? 'HE' is in the classroom  / "'NOBODY is in the classroom."

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