Kamen Rider Sasword Bio

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Name: Sento Aizawa

Hero Name: Kamen Rider Sasword

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Hero Name: Kamen Rider Sasword

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Age: 19

Gender: Male

Description: Sento is the son of Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) and Emi Fukukado (Ms Joke), he inherited his father's Quirk Erasure and mother's Outburst. He realized that Union Academy was using students as their pawns. Shota and Emi silently helped him to leave Union while Shota and Emi announced their Retirement from being Professional Heroes. Sento and his parents moved to New York to avoid being caught back in Union. Izuku, Shoto, Ochako and Momo silently erased their tracks so that no one could trace them. After he arrived in New York, he met Sasword Zecter from that day. He officially took the name Kamen Rider Sasword.

Likes: His family, fighting Union and Criminals, playing games, Kurumi.

Dislikes: Union, criminals, fake heros, perverts, racists, bullies, rapists,....

His family:

Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead (father)

Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead (father)

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Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke (mother)

Love interest: Kurumi Torisaki

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Love interest: Kurumi Torisaki

Love interest: Kurumi Torisaki

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"Heroes pretending to be like you don't deserve to know my true identity."

"I am the protector of mankind and the god of death for the wicked in the dark... Poison Scorpion Swordsman: Sasword!"

"Thanks, Kurumi!"

A/N: This OC belongs to geminithekiller

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