A family secret

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Anne, the Princess of Amphibia always felt different from her peers. Of course, being royalty makes you prone to more respect, frogs will always change their demeanor to suit your presence. But this wasn't because of her title, Anne knew that very well. It was something else, something more. 
Anne sat on her bed, huddled in a weighted blanket as she read a book her mother gave her titled "How to prepare for the throne." Her mother made it a point to express the importance of her reading it cover to cover. Even though Anne found reading incredibly boring, she knew how important it was to her mother.

"Princess, your mother has requested to speak with you." A royal guard spoke from her doorframe with a firm knock, interrupting her reading. Anne looked up from her book, letting out a calm sigh, relieved that she could take a break from her book.

"Okay, tell her I'll be down in a minute," Anne responded, closing the book and tossing it to the side carelessly. It tumbled off her bed and fell onto the floor followed by a mild thump.

The guard with an eyebrow raised eyed the Princess with judgment before carrying on with his duties. Anne groaned, she hated all of the castle guards since they can be very judgemental and stuck in their ways. She especially hated that guard in particular. She had a messy history with him. 


"Mom?  I got your message" Anne said, walking into the throne room. 

"Oh good, you're here. There's something your father  and I would like to discuss with you." Her mother stated from the throne. She promptly got up, her husband following by her side. 

They ushered Anne into a private room. Anne was a bit nervous since she was never brought into a private room to discuss something unless it was important.

"Am I in trouble? What's going on?" She asked, taking a seat at the table. 

"No, nothing like that" her father responded, easing Anne's worries, even though she knew that she did nothing wrong that would've gotten her in trouble anyway. 

"This is something your mother wants to discuss with you." He said, both of them took a seat directly in front of her. It felt like an important business meeting almost.

Both her parents looked at each other with a firm nod. Anne watched as her mother pulled out the music box from beneath the table, she placed it on the table, sliding it so all three of the gems faced Anne. 

The box had three different colored gems, pink, blue, and green. All of them were glowing, however, the blue one glowed brighter than the rest. 

Anne stared at it in surprise, she had never seen the music box in person before, she didn't know why her mother would bring such a sacred object to what is supposed to be a routine discussion.  The music box was the kingdom's most prized possession, it was hidden away in a secret part of the castle Anne didn't even know about. It was guarded at all times, only the Queen could access it. 

"Why would you bring that here. Isn't it super important and not to be touched?" Anne questioned, her mother nodded. 

"Yes, however, it is important you see it in person." She said, "There is something you need to know. Something you've never known about." 

Anne gulped, placing her hands on the table and preparing herself for the news. Sweat fell down her cheek as every possibility was going through her mind, some ridiculous and absurd, like a long-lost twin her mother had sent away to be raised by another family. 

"As you already know, this music box isn't any ordinary box. It's been in our generation for decades, it holds the ability to travel to other worlds and experience mystical things. It was what allowed our family to come to Amphibia many years ago." 

"Yes, I remember you telling me this since I was a child," Anne replied with an annoyed tone, having heard this story before. Was this all she wanted this discussion for? To repeat an already overshared story?

"What you don't know is that these gems you see here." Her mother continued, pointing at each individual gem. "Holds supernatural abilities, two of them are inaccessible meaning they aren't connected to anybody. However, the blue one is connected to an actual person."

"That person is you, Anne."

Anne froze in shock. What did she mean she had powers? A million thoughts and emotions were racing through her head, she was trying to piece it all together but none of it would fit. It didn't make sense, how could it? This is the kind of thing you hear about in movies. She never expected it to ever happen to her. Sure, she lives in a magical world where the impossible is possible. But she never thought something this crazy was going to happen to her directly. 

"What-" She said lowly, still processing what she had just been told. "You've got to be joking with me, right? That's not possible, it's insane! Is it April fools day? Am I missing something?" She rambled in disbelief. 

"Let your mother finish, dear." Her father interrupted, placing his hand on hers but she immediately swiped her hand away. She didn't want to be comforted, she wanted answers. 

"You've been connected to the stone since birth, it's tradition for a mother to hide this from her daughter until the age of 16 when she could make her own decision." Her mother continued. "I wanted to tell you so many times, but I had to follow our family's tradition."

"Decision on what?" Anne asked, her head tilted with a bitter expression on her face. 

"If you decide you don't want these powers, you can get rid of them. But you'll never be able to have these powers again, the power will be carried on to the next generation instead. But if you do choose to keep these powers, you'll become the castle's sole protector and guardian. And with what we're going through right now...It'd be really good for the people and for our kingdom." 

Anne sat there, she looked at her father who had a nervous look like he always did. But this time it was more expressive, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. "How about you take the week to decide? By Friday evening you'll tell us your answer." He suggested

"That works, I guess" Anne replied, she got up to leave the room but was interrupted by her father. 

"Anne, you really need to think this through. It's a huge decision, if you choose to accept these powers it will change your life. Whatever you decide to do, we'll support you all the way." 

Anne nodded with a forced smile, then left. She could feel the anger building in her body, that she was trying to keep from exploding out of her control. She was upset that her parents had purposely kept this from her for all these years.

She banged on the Planters door furiously until the door opened. It was Hop Pop who looked like he was just about to tell somebody off before noticing who it was. "Anne? What are you doing banging on my front door like a crazy person?" 

"I need to talk to Sprig." She stated bluntly, attempting to keep her anger contained but it seeped through. Hop pop called out for Sprig who promptly hopped his way over with his usual smile and cheerful deminer. 

"Oh, hey Anne! What's up?" He said with a smile.

"Let's go to the forest. There's something I need to talk about with you." 

The Royal Secret // Amphibia AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora