The perfect outfit

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1-week time skip

Anne wandered the halls of the kingdom, humming a tune to herself as she normally did whenever she was faced with a problem, a feeling she hated. By the end of this week, she would officially start her journey of being a hero. That title taunted her, in some ways she was excited to have powers, but in others, she was terrified of it.

She didn't know what to feel about it, it was a bunch of emotions mixed into one weird clump. All she knew right now was that she needed to pick out the perfect outfit to wear on the big day. It had to be just right, it couldn't be too fancy, but not too simple either. It had to be the right mix of both. 

Unknowingly as she was trapped in her own imaginary world trying to ponder up a visual of what the 'perfect dress' would look like for her, she bumped into Sprig and Polly who were both heading back from the store Hop Pop sent them to. 

"Agh! Sorry, dude!" Anne apologized, stumbling back onto her feet after almost knocking both of them down. 

"Watch where you're going, next time girl!" Polly grumbled with irritation, picking up the dropped grocery bags and tossing them back at Sprig, who caught both bags with a bothered groan. 

"Sorry about her, she's upset because Hop Pop wouldn't let her get candy this time." Sprig apologized with a strong point-blank tone, eyeing Polly directly. 

"I am not!" Polly exclaimed, punching Sprig in the arm.

"Polly, stop that!" Sprig punched her back lightly, making sure he wasn't too hard since she was still a baby, even though he would've liked to give her a taste of her own medicine. 

"So, Anne where are you off to?" 

"Well...I have to look for the perfect outfit to wear for the big day coming up, but I don't know what exactly I want." She explained, placing her hand behind her head. She always was indecisive, especially when the issue was something important. 

"We can help you with that! What were you thinking?" Sprig said, Polly, nodded in agreement hopping onto her brother's head.

Anne and Sprig walked over to the nearest area where they could sit down and talk more comfortably, while Polly cruised on Sprig's head.

 They found a nearby ledge to sit on, Anne pulled out her phone and opened her gallery, while Sprig hopped up beside her. "Here is what I was thinking, I wouldn't wear any of these dresses though. Mainly for inspiration"

 She swiped through some examples. None of it was exactly perfect, definitely not something Sprig thought Anne would ever be interested in, all of it was solely typical bland dresses, with very little detail. 

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Sprig asked genuinely, hoping he didn't come off too critical. "I'm not trying to sound harsh, but these dresses don't look like something you'd like." 

 Anne shrugged glancing away from him, "I don't know..."

"What are you looking for?" Polly chimed in. "Be specific"

"I need an outfit that's not too fancy, but not too basic. Something that will impress people, be true to who I am, and make me look good." She explained. "But not make me the center of attention and like I'm some classic rich trying too hard princess from all those basic movies." 

There was a moment of silence as Polly and Sprig thought up an idea of how to help Anne find what she was looking for. 

"So...A suit maybe?" Sprig suggested, breaking the silence. "It's not flashy or overly elegant, but it's also fashionable and makes you stand out."

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