A bubble of power

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It was the big day. The celebration was here. Anne stood in her room wearing her suit as maids scurried around her, pinning her hair, lint rolling her suit,  perfecting her outfit and hairstyle as much as they could. Anne stood there uncomfortably, stiff as a rock as anxiety and suspense raced through her body. 

"Princess, we're ready for you." A maid announced, peeking her head through the door. Anne gulped, it was time. The maids stopped fitting with her suit and hair and stepped aside to let Anne pass. 

"Well, here goes nothing." She nervously said to herself, she grabbed the door handle, took a deep breath then stepped into the grand hall where everyone was waiting for her. 

She felt the weight of the room immediately, everyone had turned to look at her. The place was larger than she had expected, it was color-coordinated, and the color of choice happens to be a mix of blues. Anne's favorite color. There was a pianist in the corner of the room playing a soft melody. 

She gradually walked down the carpet, she felt all of the emotions. Fear, excitement, responsibility, everything. As she walked over to the stage, she spotted five familiar faces in the crowd. 3 of them being the Plantars who she smiled and waved at.

 The other two were Sasha and  Marcy, she wasn't very close with them, however, she was getting to know both of them more with each session they spent. She wasn't expecting them to attend her ceremony for some odd reason, she smiled and waved at them as well. 

She walked onto the stage where her parents were standing, she hugged both of them tightly trying to keep her composure. "It's going to be okay, just follow along." Her mother whispered in her ear, before letting go to start the big speech. 

"People of Amphibia! We are here today to celebrate Princess Anne, who will officially be granted her powers, and become Amphibia's sole guardian and protector! We are all thrilled to be here today to watch and support Anne through such a momentous occasion." She looked at Anne with a proud smile. "Our family has done this for generations. It is my greatest pleasure to be able to share this all with you." 

The crowd cheered enthusiastically, their voices echoing through the room with claps to boot. "I am sure my daughter will prove herself worthy of our trust, she already has." She squeezed Anne's shoulder firmly. 

"Now, I would like to hand the microphone over to Anne for a moment, as we set up for the moment we're all waiting for." Her mother handed the microphone over to Anne, who fumbled with it for a moment awkwardly. 

"Oh-" She gulped, "I wasn't expecting to be put on the spot like that. I'm not really good at this sort of thing." She watched her mother in the corner of her eye speaking with the nearby frog that she assumed to be playing a part in her ceremony. She could hear the room laughing as if she had made some hilarious joke, which didn't help her growing embarrassment seeing as she didn't make a joke to begin with. 

"I love being a Princess, and I love my family and friends. This came as a bit of a  shock to me, I didn't even know I would be getting powers until a few weeks ago!" She rambled, pacing around the stage hoping the crowd wouldn't pick up on her visible anxiousness, but she knew they did. "I will do my best to protect Amphibia through these difficult times, and I hope I will make you all proud." 

The crowd cheered, and Anne let out a heavy sigh she hadn't noticed she'd been holding in. She walked up to her father who was completely unaware and handed over the microphone so he could finish off the speech since she didn't know what else to say, and didn't want to make a bigger fool out of herself.  

"Everything is prepared, we can now start the ceremony!" Her mother announced, just as Anne was about to approach her to ask when they could start. She could hear her father let out a sigh of relief, he was nervous to speak in front of a crowd. Which is ironic given his high status.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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