Power means responsibility

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It was the next day, Anne was still sore from training with Sasha. Yesterday was a bit awkward on her end, it shouldn't have been as hard as it was, but it was a pretty effective reality check that she needs to start working out more. 

Regardless, she was happy that this class wouldn't require her to work out, hopefully. She had high hopes for this class since it was something she was actually looking forward to learning more about. She didn't want to screw it up.

She stepped into the room, repeating the same entry she had made last time. This time when she called out, the response was way more energetic and filled with life. 

"Oh, hello! I've been waiting for you!" An optimistic voice exclaimed, a short yet eager girl jumping out from behind the wall and immediately pulling Anne into a tight hug.

She had short dark hair and brown eyes. She had a few bandaids on her arms and a scar on the bottom of her cheek. She wore a lab coat that had pins on it from her favorite video games and shows, she was also wearing a dinosaur t-shirt with a cheesy quote "Dinosaurs rule!" 

Anne didn't return the hug out of shock, she awkwardly patted her back with an awkward chuckle, waiting to be released. She didn't want to seem uncomfortable, but it was so sudden and random that she didn't know how to respond.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm just really excited to start this class with you. Very few people actually want to take this course because it isn't mandatory, can you believe that? I mean, who wouldn't want to know more about something this cool?" The girl rambled with eagerness, she was practically bouncing off the walls. 

"No it's all cool, it's kinda refreshing actually," Anne replied, looking around the room which was quite creative and intriguing. It was very different from Sasha's room, it was covered in color and expression. A lot of it was about Anne's powers, but about magic as well. There were posters related to Anne's powers, pages ripped from books about stories made by previous authors about Anne's family's legacy, glued to the wall. And random unrelated stickers plastered around without much meaning.

"My name is Marcy Wu!" She introduced herself, she attempted to take a proper bow but clumsily tripped over her other foot tumbling into Anne. 

"Careful there" Anne replied with a chuckle, catching Marcy gently. She found her oblivious clumsiness quite funny, she was the total opposite of Sasha.

"Sorry! Sometimes I can be a bit clumsy" Marcy apologized, stepping away from Anne awkwardly.

"It's all good. My name's Anne, Anne Boonchuy," She smiled warmly, her hand outstretched for a handshake.

"I know who you are, silly" Marcy giggled, returning the handshake. 

She brought Anne over to the main class area, it had multiple desks open however all of them were empty. Anne glanced at Marcy whose face was slightly blushing from embarrassment, if Anne wasn't actively paying attention to her face, she wouldn't have even noticed. 

She felt bad for her, she didn't realize until now just how lonely this place was, Marcy had so much enthusiasm yet nobody to share that dedicated passion with. She wondered what she did with her days when she had no students around to teach. Did she even make money?

"Take a seat, uh...Anywhere really, it doesn't matter" Marcy declared, with a forced chuckle. Anne took the desk closest to the board, Marcy walked over to the board, grabbing a marker to begin her speech.

"Alright! This class will teach you everything you need to know about your powers, how to control them, understand them, utilize them in combat, and everything in between! It's a bit quick-paced, but not to worry I'm sure you'll do great! And I'm always here to help when you need it."

"I'm sure you're already aware of your family's history with these powers, correct?" She turned to Anne, who nodded in confirmation.

"Well, then you already know your powers can get out of control pretty quickly until you learn how to properly control them," Marcy said. 

"Hold on- what?" Anne cut her off, standing up, her hands planted on the desk. "What do you mean out of control?" 

"Your mother didn't run this by you?" Marcy asked, looking at Anne with her head cocked. "That's strange, that's the first thing you should have known. Well, the good thing is, that's the whole reason you're in this class, you'll learn how to control them before you actually get them. So you won't have anything to worry about by then." 

"You will still see a reaction, it's still going to affect you regardless. But with what you'll learn, and the tools you'll have, it won't be as bad, just to a lesser extent." Marcy added.

Anne slumped back into her seat a bit comforted yet also still confused. Why would her mother hide such an important detail? Even though it wouldn't have altered her decision, it would have been nice to know. 

"What would happen?" Anne asked. "If the tools I'm given for some reason don't work." 

"Well..." Marcy hummed, placing a finger on her chin as she thought of an answer for the nervous brunette. "Not to scare you or anything, it could result in random outbursts of power and electrical charge based on your emotions, and external issues. Especially heightened emotions, since when you do get your powers your emotions will start to enhance due to the sudden change." 

"Why will my emotions be heightened?" Anne questioned, beginning to feel a bit apprehensive. She knew she had to do this no matter what, this was her destiny and the fate of amphibia quite literally, relied on her. But she never thought it would be this much of a scary responsibility. 

"When you get your powers, it will be a drastic and foreign shock to your body, it will need time to adjust and process it. You've lived your whole life powerless, the equivalent to the rest of us. This significant change isn't something your system will become accustomed to right away." Marcy explained. 

"How bad will it be?" Anne asked, her voice cracking. 

Marcy started to pick up on Anne's unease through the tone of her voice, and facial expression. She knew she had to tone it back a little, thinking she may scare her away completely. A part of her was wondering why her mother didn't tell her this in the first place. 

"Oh, don't worry about that! It won't be all that bad. It'll take some time to get used to, of course, sure your emotions will be slightly more, intense than what you're used to. But it's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be there to help you, and so will your parents, it's going to be okay." Marcy replied, trying to comfort Anne however it didn't seem too convincing.

"I think we should move  onto another topic..." Marcy added, shifting the lesson onto another subject to take Anne's mind off of her worries. 

"Onto the science!" 


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