Silent sweetheart ~ Wilford x JJ

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JJ's POV: "Come on Jamie, I don't want you to be alone. You need some friends outside of us, ok?" Anti told me, he was trying to convince me to go to a party that the Iplier's were having. "Fine, I'll go to the party." I sign to Anti, his face lights up a bit and he smiles, "Thank you Jamie, now go get ready. We'll be leaving soon, alright?" Anti says. I nod and we walk to our separate rooms, once I get into my room I shut the door. I change into a nice dress shirt, a blue vest, black dress pants and some nice shoes. I fix up my hair a bit and hear Anti call to me, "Jamie come on, I'm leaving!" I quickly head out to the car. Anti drives us to the Ipliers place, it was just him and I. Henrik had to stay back at home since he had work to do, and Chase, Jackie and Marvin were already there. They had gone earlier to hang out with some of the Ipliers, I on the other hand, have not met any of the Iplier's yet. I was a bit nervous on the ride there, we soon pull into the driveway of the Ipliers mansion. I hesitate for a moment but get out of the car and walk up to the door with Anti, as we approach I get more nervous. We get to the door and I pause and turn to Anti "What if they don't like me?" I sign to him, "They'll like you just fine Jamie" he says and ruffles my hair. We walk into the Iplier's mansion, I fix my hair quickly and I shut the door behind us, Anti turns to me "I'll be with Dark if you need me." he said and walked away to go find Dark. I anxiously glance around, I see some other Septiceye's and others who I assume to be Iplier's. A man catches my eye, he's on the other side of the room, he has a mustache like mine but it's pink and he's wearing a nice yellow button up shirt with pink suspenders.

Wilford's POV: Dark told me that Anti would be being the new Septiceye ego over, he informed me that the new ego is mute. Good thing I know sign language, so he'll have someone besides Anti who knows sign and understands him. I followed Dark around asking him questions about the new ego, "Wil, please stop asking me about the new Septiceye ego. I don't know much about him, you can ask him all your questions when he gets here. Oh, and Anti told me to tell you to be gentle around him, he's shy." Dark said. "Alright, alright. When will they be here?" I asks, "About 5 minutes." Dark said. I nodded and walked over to the bar to get a drink, I ordered a martini. I watched the door patiently waiting for the new Septiceye ego. The door opens and Anti enters first then the new ego, he looks a bit nervous and we lock eyes for a second we study each other from the other side of the room. He looks so innocent with that glimmer in his eyes.

JJ's POV: The man and I stare at each other for what feels like hours, I start to get butterflies in my stomach and in a panic I look around the room to see if I can find somewhere to go to just calm down for a moment before I talk to the dapper man. I speed walk out of the room and start wandering around the big mansion, I'm surprised of how many rooms there are. I see two big doors and I slowly approach them, I crack one of the doors open and I peek in. It's a big ballroom, I walk in and remember back when I used to dance, I smile softly as I walk to the middle to the ballroom looking around. "There you are Sly, I was looking for you" said a voice from the doorway of the ballroom, I quickly turn around and it's the dapper man. I blush, embarrassed and quickly sign "I'm so sorry I was just looking around and found this extravagant ballroom" I now worry that he doesn't understand sign and am expecting him to ask what it is. He didn't ask though, "Yes, I would say this room is extravagant. Do you dance?" He spoke as he walked into the room over to me. "I used to back in the day but not much anymore, I doubt I even remember how. Shouldn't we get back to the party? They're probably wondering where we went." I signed and started towards the door, he quickly grabbed my wrist. "Wait, I want to show you something before we go back to the party." He stated, letting go of my wrist and held my hand leading me out of the ballroom. He lead me to a balcony that overlooked the garden, "You seem like you'd like flowers" he said, "I do, they're very beautiful! By the way, I never got your name." I sign. "My apologies, I'm Wilford Warfstache but you can just call me Wil. What's your name sly?" He asks, I giggle silently at the nickname. "My name is Jameson Jackson but everyone calls me JJ." I sign, Wil pauses for a moment before speaking again. "May I call you Jamie instead?" He asks, "Sure, I like that." I sign, "Shall we get back to the party now?" Wil asks and I nod my head yes, and we head back to the party. I follow him over to the bar to grab a drink with him, I don't drink often. Alcohol isn't allowed in the house to help Chase, Henrik is helping him work though it. Wil already had a martini and I ordered whiskey, it was always my favorite but it can get me drunk pretty easily. Once I had gotten my drink Wil and I talked some more, after my second glass od whiskey the party was starting to die down and most of the egos had gone to bed or gone home. Wil and I stick around for 1 more drink, despite me already feeling a bit tipsy I get another glass of whiskey, I stare at Wil, butterflies in my stomach and I start blushing just looking at him.

Wilford's POV: I notice Jamie staring at me blushing, I can tell he's a bit tipsy. "What's wrong doll? We should get you to bed." I say to him standing up, "no, I don't want to go to bed." He signs  sloppily. "Oh no, looks like you won't be getting any cuddles then." I dramatically sigh, "but I want the cuddles!" Jamie signs tiredly. "Do you need me to carry you to my room, love?" I ask, Jamie nods and makes grabby hands at me, 'he's so adorable' I thought. I pick him up and carry him upstairs to my room, I glance down at him and I see him dozing off. Once we get to my room I gently lay him on my bed and I cuddled up to him. He curls up to my chest and I wrap my arms around him. I soon fall asleep.

JJ's POV: I wake up with a pounding headache, I don't really remember the night before. I glance around the room I'm in and it doesn't look familiar, I try to get up but am pulled down and into a warm chest. "Just a little longer" I hear Wil sleepily say, I silently giggle and muzzle into his chest. We lay there for a few more minutes and then I remember that Anti must be wondering where I am because I never went home but he might've stayed the night with Dark. "Hey, duckling?" Wil says, I look up at him blushing a bit at the pet name. He looks down at me and kisses my cheek, my blush darkens and I hide my face in his chest. I hear him chuckle, "so uh, are we like a thing now?" He asks, I look up at him and sign "yeah, I think so." We stare into each others eyes for a moment just admiring each other and soon have a soft passionate kiss. "I love you" Wil says, "I love you too" I sign.

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