Cuddles ~ JJ x Wilford x Dark

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JJ's POV: I was sitting in the living room, reading my book. Anti storms in and just starts yelling at me, "Why can't you do anything?! You really are useless, Jameson! You can't even talk! Ya know, we only keep you around because you don't talk back and you clean the house for us, right? None of the others would be that honest with you." Anti said, I held back tears in my eyes and looked at him. 'Is that really why?' I sign slowly, "Yeah, did you actually think the others would care about you? There too wrapped up in their own heads to notice anyone else, I'm doing this to help you, Jameson." Anti said. I didn't want to believe him, I had put my book down and stood up. 'I'm going on a walk. I'll be back soon.' I sign to Anti and then rush out of the house, once I'm a bit away I take out my phone and text Wil.
Wil <3

Me: Hey, I'm coming over. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Wil <3: Why dove? What's wrong?

Me: I'll explain when I get there, see you soon <3

I turn off my phone and shove it in my pocket as I rush over to the Ipliers mansion. Once I make it to the mansion I let myself in, I see Wil and Dark sitting on the couch watching something on the TV that I didn't bother to pay attention to. I ran over to them and broke down crying, "Darling? What's wrong?" Dark asks as he pulls me into a hug. "Oh love, are you ok?" Wil asks. I start to calm down as Dark starts to comb his fingers through my hair, soothing me. After a while of getting calmed down I explain to Wil and Dark what Anti had said to me, "oh doll, don't listen to him. That's not true at all, the others appreciate you and they don't think that at all. I'm sure of it." Dark said. "Of course dove, we love you very much. Anti was probably just stressed or frustrated which made him take out his anger onto you, you didn't deserve that." Wil said. We went up to Dark's room so we could all lay down and cuddle because they knew I wouldn't want to go home right after that. Once we were all comfortably cuddling I soon fell asleep in their arms.

Dark's POV: Once I knew that Jamie and Wil were asleep, I carefully got up. I had to have a word with Anti to find out why he yelled at Jamie for no apparent reason, I started towards the Septiceye's house. I was furious with Anti, I walked up to the door of their house I took a moment to compose myself so I didn't just yell at Anti when I saw him, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could hear frantic muffled talking and footsteps running to the door. Henrik opened the door, "Oh! Dark! Lovely seeing you, do you know where Jameson is perhaps?" He asked me, semi-frantically. "Actually I do happen to know where JJ is. He's safe, he's at the Iplier mansion. I came here to talk to Anti, is he here?" I asked, looking into the house a bit I could see Marvin and Jacking talking while Marvin was pacing back and forth, Chase was sitting on their couch looking really worried and Anti was no where to be seen. "Good good, just tell him to come home soon please? We were very worried about him. Also no, Anti's not here. He just told us he was going for a walk, I suggest looking in the woods. That's probably where he is." Henrik replied. "Alright, thank you Henrik. When I get back I'll tell him that." I say, as I walk away Henrik shuts the door. I head over to the nearby woods to go find Anti, I walk along the trail. A few minutes into my walk I hear some rustling in the trees and Anti hops out of one in front of me on the trail, "Oh, hey Darky! Ya need something?" He asks. "Don't call me that. Also yes, I need to know what the  hell is wrong with you!" I yelled, "what do you mean?" He said, acting all innocent, "you know what you did, how could you talk to Jameson like that!" I stated, "I was just trying to be honest with him Dark" he said. "That's a lie and you know it, his brothers love and appreciate him so much. You're the only one who has a problem with him! You know the others are at home and they were worried sick about Jameson." I said. "And? He hasn't gone home yet so he doesn't know that." He said, giggling a bit. "You really are that fucked up, you just like seeing your own brother suffer don't you? You're sick, Anti." I told him and turned around, walking back to the Iplier mansion. Once I got in the house I let out a small sigh of relief and walked back up to my room to check on Wil and Jamie, they were both still sleeping. I carefully got back into the bed and held Jamie and Wil close, and I closed my eyes.

JJ's POV: I started to wake up from my small nap, I looked over at Wil and he was still sleeping, I looked up at Dark and he had his eyes closed. I reached my hand up and softly petted and played with Dark's hair, a soft smile formed on his face. "I didn't know you were awake, dove." He said, his voice soft as to not wake up Wil. 'Well I just woke up'  I signed and rubbed my eyes, still feeling a bit tired. "You can sleep a bit more if you'd like, dove." He said, his voice calming. 'What about my brothers? Won't they worry?' I looked up at him a bit worried. "They'll understand love. I'll even walk you home, ok?" He said, I nodded and moved my arms so I was clinging to him. He softly rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head, "Get some more sleep first" he said as I drifted off to sleep again.

Words: 1064
A/N: so this is my first time posting in a hot second lol, sorry if it's bad. Lmk if you want more or what ships you want me to write! And yeah, thanks for reading this chapter!

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