Chapter 11

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Stella felt herself open her mouth to speak, "Howard...." It was almost inaudible. His face was blurring and fading from her vision as the darkness enclosed her.


How had the world changed so quickly? Just a little while ago she had been laughing, enjoying herself. This was it. She was going to die. Die on this cold stone floor. Die because of human envy. Die like her parents. Die like Nora. Die. Never to see the stars again.



Gregor's 3rd P.O.V

Gregor had no clue what he was doing. He usually wasn't the type who'd dance to music in the centre of attention. He had done it once in the Underland. That had been six years ago at Hazard's birthday party. He'd only danced to keep Hazard happy.

The musicians nearby were playing an upbeat tune that reminded Gregor of the old Viking soundtracks. All around him, Underlanders held hands and skipped in circles. Hazard — who was dancing nearby — had his hands linked with an Underlander girl around his age. Gregor had Luxa's hands held within his, and he and Luxa were following along with the other Underlanders. Gregor's eyes were fixed on Luxa's beautiful violet ones. They'd been apart for so long. Gregor didn't want to be separated from Luxa again. But deep inside, he knew he'd have to go back. His family would be waiting for his return. Waiting for him to step through the front door... alive.

"Get him!" A distressed cry shook Gregor out of his train of thoughts. "He stabbed my sister!"

The music died down, and Gregor unlinked his hands from Luxa's, turning to have a glimpse at the guy who'd just yelled. He couldn't tell since there were a lot of people blocking his view.

"There seems to be a problem," Luxa said from next to him.

Luxa's words weren't registering in his brain because Gregor was sure he knew the voice that had yelled. There was a lot of tension and murmuring from around him. It was as if there was a dark cloud hanging above them.

"Get him!" The voice sounded closer now.

Suddenly, a guard appeared out from the end of a street in front of them. The crowd of people gathered around the musicians must've surprised him because he kept looking around anxiously. Making his mind, he dashed up the street, away from the crowd. Not soon after, Leo ran out from the end of the street, where the guard had just been. He was puffing, and looked enraged.

Leo glanced at the crowd, then back at the guard who was running up the street. "He stabbed my sister!" And with that, he took off after the guard.

A wave of alarm swept over Gregor. Sister? Had he meant Stella? Stella had been stabbed? Gregor looked at Luxa who seemed to be sharing his alarm.

"Stella?" She whispered.

Gregor felt the Rager sensation creeping up his veins, making its way into his bloodstream. Was this really happening? Instinctively, Gregor's feet were on the move; he sped after Leo and the guard. It didn't take him long to catch up with Leo.

"Hey," he said, running alongside Leo. "What happened?"

Leo didn't turn his head. "He stabbed Stella," he said through gritted teeth. "We need to stop him!"

Gregor found himself dodging carts, children and people to avoid colliding with them. He wasn't a fast runner; more like a long-distance runner who liked to keep his pace steady. Right now, was a different story. But he had to do this. He had to do this for Stella.

The Seeker and the Annihilation of the Underland: A Gregor the Overlander FanficWhere stories live. Discover now