Chapter 18

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Perdita looked between Stella and Howard. "Are you hurt?"

"Fortunately, no," Howard replied, looking at Stella for confirmation.

Perdita shook her head, "This must be put before the council. It is a serious issue." She looked at Stella and Howard. "It is safe now. You both must go rest. Be sure to be present before Her Highness in the morning."




A gasp arose around the room.

Luxa slammed her hands on the cold, stone table. "What?!" Her eyes were wide with surprise. She looked between Howard and Stella for an explanation.

Stella glanced at Howard who just glanced back as if to say, "I knew this would happen."

Perdita had called for a meeting in the war room regarding the incident with Romulus. Everyone was there: Stella, Howard, Leo, Gregor, Luxa, Hazard, Perdita, the bats, and even Ripred, who had returned from dealing with matters in his lands.

"They were ambushed last night by Romulus, Your Highness," Perdita repeated.

Howard spoke up, "Stella was attacked first. I was not directly involved."

Leo shook Stella's shoulder, "Is that true, sis?" He sounded anxious. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Stella couldn't seem to muster an answer. She stayed quiet and stared at the floor.

Luxa stared at the stone table in front of her, lost in thought. After a few moments, she raised her head and addressed everyone in the room. "Matters have become serious," she sighed. "Not only are the cutters a threat, but it seems that there is a group who oppose the bonding between the humans and the Twisters." She eyed Stella, "And it seems they want the Seeker dead to break the bond."

Ripred spoke up. "With all due respect your highness," he said in a sarcastic tone, "We cannot win this war."

Luxa raised her eyebrows at the rat, "And why is that, Ripred?"

"The cutters outnumber us by thousands, possibly even millions," Ripred glanced at everyone in the room. "We cannot win this war... alone."

They all looked nervously to Ripred for an explanation. "The cutters can replace each other: one dies, another takes its place," Ripred said in a serious tone.

Luxa stared at him. "Does anyone have any ideas?" She questioned, looking around the room.

All gazes shifted to Stella. She didn't know what to say; her gaze went to the floor.

Howard — who was next to her — placed a hand on her shoulder. A small smile was playing on his face, almost as if saying Stella could do this. Stella raised her gaze, thinking of plans, anything really.

Ripred started pacing, "Come on people, think."

Nike chimed in, "Can a peace talk be negotiated with the cutters?"

Hazard whispered something out, shaking his head, "The cutters would not be willing to speak with us".

Luxa's eyes closed, understanding what he meant.

"And what of the group of rebels?" Howard asked. "They could attempt to kill Stella again."

"You have to think of it from their perspective," Leo spoke up. Everyone looked at him. Leo just looked anywhere but them.

"He is correct." Luxa stated with authority. "If we are able to see why they are trying to break the bond between the Seeker and the Twisters," she took a breath before continuing, "We will be able to understand their motives, and take action before they attempt another murder."

The Seeker and the Annihilation of the Underland: A Gregor the Overlander FanficWhere stories live. Discover now