Chapter 16

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Gregor walked up to them. "So... um... guys?" He wiped his eyes and sighed. "What are we going to do now?"

What are we going to do?  Stella questioned herself. She looked down at the key in her hand.

"I think," Stella started, looking at Gregor. "I think I should show you guys something."




Stella led the way down several sets of stairs as they descended to the deepest part of the palace.

"Where are you taking us?" Gregor asked, walking up to Stella.

"You'll see."

"Oh, I remember this way," Luxa reminisced. "Vikus accompanied me here on the day of my coronation." Stella heard her sigh. "The Treasury is it not, Stella?"

"Yeah," Stella nodded.

There was silence, except for the sound of footsteps on stone. Stella tried to remember the way Vikus had taken her to the Treasury of Regalia on her last visit. The memory was six years old, but it seemed to resurface clearly.

Howard spoke up, "I have not heard of a treasury before. I did not know we had one."

"It sounds interesting to me," said Leo, looking at Howard.


Stella grabbed a lantern off the nearest hook. "Take some light. It'll be dark there."

They turned into a hallway. It was completely empty and a wooden door stood at the end. The only light was from the lanterns that everyone was holding.

When they reached the door, Stella took out the key. Taking a deep breath, she turned it in the keyhole and slowly opened the door. It opened with a shallow creak.

"This is it," said Stella, stepping back. "You guys go see."

One by one, everyone hesitantly walked into the dark room, holding their lanterns up in front of them. Stella followed them, taking a deep breath.

She walked in to hear Gregor gasp, "Woah...."

Despite already seeing the room once, she was still breathless at the raw beauty of the numerous ancient artefacts that stacked the wooden shelves before her; clay pots carved with elaborate designs depicting trees, grass, fields, flowers, huts and animals. Ancient weaponry such as the early war clubs, spears and swords. A whole two shelves were dedicated to old parchment that had paintings splashed over them; beautiful ones with humans and animals painted in detail. Small stone statues of farmers with animals filled one shelf; soldiers on horses were with them. Clay masks with various facial expressions that sort of reminded Stella of the ancient Greek masks used in the theatres. There were also precious items such as jewellery; necklaces, bracelets and rings studded with jewels and coated in gold, silver and bronze.

"I have never seen anything more spectacular," Howard breathed. Stella couldn't help but smile at the surprise in his voice.

"This stuff...." Gregor turned to Stella. "It's from the Overland."

Stella nodded, "Yeah, pretty cool, right?"

Hazard spoke up, "This is amazing." The boy went over and brushed his fingers over a clay pot.

The group dispersed between the shelves.

"Vikus told me everything in this room was from Sandwich's time," said Stella. He had also said that Sandwich was the one who organised the room to be made and all the Overland treasures stored.

The Seeker and the Annihilation of the Underland: A Gregor the Overlander FanficWhere stories live. Discover now