switching and how it can affect the body

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                          ⚠️TW ⚠️
Mentions of self harm and blood

⚠️Read with caution please⚠️

Sometimes when I switch back to my body I see something that wasn't there before like bracelet  or maybe some paint on my fingers

What I don't like is that when I switch back and find my cheek bleeding or my arms all scratched up and my face scratched up while I'm in class I don't like having to tell my mom I scratched myself cuz my nails are too long I try my best to not hurt myself because I don't want the scars I'd rather have it mentally but if another alter which I will not name because I know how easy it'll be to hate them is hurting my body that's when I have to write a note put it where they'll see it next time and deal with it till they respond its not fun to clean up a mess I didn't make but it's ok we'll have a little talk about it and then it should get solved but this is the second time they've done this and I know they like it because the pain makes then feel like their alive but I don't like the questions that follow or the stares I got in class because I had a band aid on my face so yes sometimes switching can affect my body if it's in a bad way but it's ok if it's paint because it gets washed off but anyways I'm going to write that little note and I'll update you guys on the situation and I'll try to get Elizabeth to make her chapter soon so watch out for that!


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