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HELLO BESTIES. Before we get into the epilogue, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for letting my imagination run absolutely wild with these three books. I've had so much fun writing these, and I hope you all enjoyed them as much as I did. You guys kept me motivated through three books and so I hope you all like the ending. I've gotten very attached to these characters, and I'm sad that it's actually coming to an end, BUT as we all know, all good things must come to an end eventually. So again, thank you for being patient and for being the very best readers, I love you all very much. <3


*2 years later*

George walked down a deserted hallway, following the sound of a familiar voice as it led him to a door that sat partially open. From just beyond the door, light flooded into the darkness, and George pushed the door open the rest of the way, eyes quickly scanning over the scene before him.

Eret was sat behind a desk, eyes wide and turned up towards Dream, who stood towering over him. Wilbur was lounging causally in a chair nearby, eyes glued to the pair of them as if he were watching a scene from a movie play out.

As the door creaked open, Eret's eyes drifted over towards the source of the noise. He huffed out a breath when he saw George leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin, and he shook his head as he spoke, "George, what are you doing here? Don't trust your boyfriend to handle your business?"

George scoffed, folding his arms across his chest and shaking his head. It was true that as the leader of the most renowned mafia group in London, he technically had no need to accompany his team on their jobs. He trusted each and every one of them, especially Dream and Wilbur. But he had been waiting a long time for a moment like this to arise. While he may have been a different person, he wasn't so different that he didn't plan on exacting some type of revenge for what Eret had done to him nearly two years ago. He was aware that Philza had gotten some revenge of his own, but now it was his turn.

"Husband, actually," George stated as he pushed himself away from the doorframe. He raised his left hand to show off his ring, and Eret rolled his eyes while Dream smiled proudly over at George.

He crossed the room, and Dream stepped away so George could perch on the edge of the desk near Eret. He could see now that his arms were bound to the chair, and he had the beginnings of a black eye that was just beginning to bloom over his skin.

"You didn't think I'd pass up a chance to come and see you, did you?" George asked with a tilt of his head. His voice was dripping with mock sweetness, and Eret opened his mouth to respond but closed it just as quickly. George wondered if he was replaying the scene from two years ago in his mind, much like George was replaying it in his own mind.

When Eret didn't respond, George let a slow grin melt onto his face. He leveled his gaze with Eret and continued, "you're late on your payment, Eret. And I trust you remember what I did to the last guy who was in your position?"

About a year ago, George had reluctantly agreed to reinstate the contract Philza's team had once held with Eret's team. The only reason he had done so was because he knew that if he was patient, an opportune moment like this would present itself eventually.

Eret's face flushed, and his eyes darted between George and Dream as he quickly shot back, "that's not true. I sent the money with one of my guys to make sure it got to you."

George raised an eyebrow and glanced back over his shoulder at Dream, who was leaning against a nearby wall. Dream grinned, and then shrugged as he said, "oh, oops. I must have forgotten to mention to George that we got the payment."

George exhaled a quiet laugh, and then turned back to Eret as he said, "doesn't matter, really. Since I went through the trouble of coming all the way over here, I plan on making it worth my time."

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