Chapter 3: The Cafeteria Fight (Edited)

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Jack P.O.V

My alarm went off signaling that it was work out time. I did 50 pushups on my knuckles, and then went on a run with Miguel before heading to the dojo with pads on our fore arms, fists, chests, and legs, standing a few feet away from a tennis ball launcher. "Ready?" Sensei asked. "Yes sensei." Miguel and I said. Sensei pressed a button as Miguel blocked a tennis ball making it put a hole in the wall behind him. When he wasn't paying attention, another ball came out of the machine and hit him in the arm. "Ow!" Miguel exclaimed.

Then it was my turn. "Let's go." I said.
A tennis ball shot at me as I blocked to the right with my fore arm. Miguel got the hang of it so we moved on to something different.

Miguel was on the floor in a head lock by Sensei. "What does a Cobra do?" Sensei asked. Miguel was having trouble breathing so he tapped Sensei's arm. "There is no tapping in karate." Sensei said. After we got the hang of that. He taught us how to block punches and evade.

Miguel did a spar with sensei but when Miguel sweeped Sensei's legs. Sensei activated the tennis ball machine, hitting Miguel in the ear.
"Damn!" I said going towards him.

"What? W-what the hell? That th-that wasn't fair." Miguel whined while holding his ear in pain. "You want a fair fight? Dream on. Your enemies won't always play by the rules." Sensei explained.
"Yeah, but m-my ear." "What if that baseball was your enemy's friend coming at you from behind? You have to be prepared for anything." Sensei said.

Miguel started whimpering.
"Here, let me look. No it's fine. Don't be a baby." Sensei lied.
The dojo bell jingled, so we look at the door and we see... Yoga instructors?
"Aw, shit." Sensei swore.

"It's 5:00. Twilight is upon us." The yoga instructor said.
"Oh, right, right." Sensei realized. "What's going on?" I asked.
"Uh, I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just till we get more students." Sensei explained.

"We need to change the energy in here." She said as her and another girl covered up the three lessons on the wall with a sign that says, 'Love is here to Namaste' or some shit like that.
After those Yoga people left, Miguel and I starting taking turns hitting the pads on sensei's hand when someone opened the door. We turn around and see a girl. This was Aisha Robinson I believe. One of Sam's friends. Sam is some chick Miguel has a crush on, but the author hasn't included any scenes with her in it yet thou-
A/N: Shut up Jack.

Sorry. Anyways...

"No yoga till five. No matter how bad you need it." Sensei said. "Um, I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha explained.
"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Sensei said.

"Why not?" She asked.
"Same reason there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make sense." Sensei said.
"Women are in the army Sensei." I corrected. "Really? Times are changing." "Uh, sensei, I want to show you something in the office. C'mon Jack." Miguel said. I shrugged and followed. "Don't give me this 'sexist' bullcrap. Women just aren't meant to fight. They have tiny hollow bones." Sensei said.

"Aren't you desperate for new students?" I asked.
"Yes, but this isn't a knitting class. This is a dojo." Sensei said.
"Look. The kids at school call her names make fun of her." Miguel said.
"Well that's what happens when you eat a box of Twinkies every day." Sensei said.
"Her dad is Isaiah Robinson." I said.
Sensei gave us a look that said "Who?"

"Hall of Fame lineman for the Chargers." Miguel finished, trying to see if it rang any bells.
"So you're saying it's genetic? Her love for Twinkies come from her dad?" Sensei said as I facepalmed.
"No stupid, we're saying that her family is loaded!" I exclaimed.
"And she's a paying customer. But you don't need the money, right?" Miguel asked. Sensei just hummed.
"All right." Sensei agreed. All three of us walked back to the mat.

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