Chapter 8: The Party (2/3)

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Samantha's POV:

'*sighs* This is why I hate my mom sometimes..' I trailed off in thought as I slowly looked up at my phone that was continuously buzzing from all of my notifications.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. "Ooh! Maybe that's the drone I bought from Amazon." My little brother, Anthony (aka future LaPusso), exclaimed as he got up from the table and began walking to the door.

"Wait. Whoa. You bought a drone?" My mom questioned him as she got up as well to catch up to him. I watched as she walked away, before using her absence as the perfect opportunity to grab my phone and start texting Miguel.

"Hey!" My mom yelled. "Don't even think about it." She said after walking back into the dining room, Robby following close behind. "Hey, how's it going?" He asked. "I'm a prisoner in here Robby. I gotta get outta here somehow." I said as I walked out of the dining room, leaving Robby to stand there and think of a mastermind plan.


Daniel POV:

"Bartender. Coors Banquet for me, and a Shirley Temple for the lady." Johnny said, the last part being a reference toward me. "Club soda will be fine for me. Thank you." I said, correcting Johnny. "Ok, one drink, then we get the hell out of here." I told Johnny. He nodded as a moment of awkward silence enveloped the both of us.

"So... Your stepdad was an asshole, huh? Back in the day, I just figured you were living the life. You know, fancy cars, motorbikes..." I said and trailed off, attempting to break the silence and succeeding at so, as Johnny responded, "It had its moments. Then I'd come home and pretty much get bullied every day."

The bartender came back with our drinks as Johnny and I both gave our thanks. Johnny took a swig of his Coors Banquet before continuing.

"That's why I joined Cobra Kai. Kreese gave me more attention than I ever got at home. The guy was more than a sensei to me. He was basically... A father...I guess you could say." Johnny paused and took another sip of his drink.

"Anyway, you wouldn't understand." Johnny finished. I looked at him for a few seconds before replying. "My dad died when I was eight. Mr. Miyagi was like a father to me. It's crazy man. Both finding Karate role models." I finished as I took a sip of club soda.(at a bar)

"Yeah, except yours didn't break your trophy and try to kill you." Johnny stated. "That is true." I agreed. "You know what? Get me a Ketel Martini, straight up, couple of olives. Ice, ice cold." I asked the bartender. "And two more of these." Johnny said, holding up his Coors Banquet.


Jack POV:

Cobra Kai and a bunch of other people were at the beach partying and hanging out already, when I saw a blue truck pull up at the top of the hill in the parking lot. I saw Yasmine, Moon, Kyler, and one of his lackey's, Bricks, get out of the truck and look down the hill. I saw Yasmine look at me and I smirked at her. Then Kyler looked at me, and I stared at him, coldly. I saw a bit of fear in his eyes as he backed up and got back into his car with Brucks and Yasmine, before driving off.

"That certainly puts a smile on my face." I said with a crazed smirk. "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" Hawk asked, as he looked at me weirdly. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "Don't pretend I didn't see you and Moon eye banging each other. Go talk to her dude." I said to him. "Nah bro, I'm a Cobra Kai, the ladies come to me." Hawk said. "...Whatever makes you happy dude." I said to Hawk before walking off and changing my course towards an irritated looking Miguel who was with Aisha.

"Still nothing?" I heard Aisha ask him. "Nope."
"Maybe her phone died." Aisha suggested. "Whatever." Miguel said disappointedly. "Ayy, hermano, why the long face?" I asked him. "It's nothing man." He replied. "Sam still isn't replying to him." Aisha said. "Oh come on man, now's not the time for this, don't be sad, be logical." I told him.

"I know, I know, but it doesn't matter anymore, let's just get the party started without her." Miguel said as he grabbed a beer from the freezer right next to him. He opens it, and with a little hesitation, he takes a sip before gagging very aggressively. "There's your party spirit hermano!" I shouted as Aisha started laughing at our antics. Soon he takes another sip, but soon after, he starts chugging it.

"Yeah! Chug it! Just... don't get too drunk..hehe.." I chuckled before walking away to go do my own festivities at the party for the mean time.


Samantha POV:

I laid on the couch as I passively read a book. "So... Boring.." I expressed to no one in particular, as I laid the book on my face with a sigh. "Sam!" My mother called from the dining room that I so despise now. "Yes Warden?" I responded, before getting up and walking into the dining room. "Yeah?" "Robby sprained his ankle and he needs a ride back home. So drop him off, and come right back. Ok?" My mom said.

"Yeah, sure. Alright." I looked at Robby. "Come on." He followed closely behind me outside. "Do you need some help?" I asked him as we walked to the car, because of his limp. "No, I just need to walk it off." Almost as soon as he said that, he began to walk normally again. He laughed, "Oh there it is. All better."

"Wait. Wait, did you just pull a Keyser Söze?" I asked him in confusion and disbelief. "You said you were a prisoner. I figured I'd break you out. So.. where we going?" He asked. "To a party. How does that sound?" I asked. "That sounds great." He responded.

"Awesome. My boyfriend's probably wondering where the hell I am right now. Come on let's go." I said before dashing to the car, not seeing Robby's previous smile dropping slightly in disappointment. "Wouldn't wanna keep him waiting." He said quietly, as he made his way to the car as well.


A Few Hours Later

Miguel's POV:

I saw Aisha walking over to me after finishing my 15th or 20th beer. "Another one? Are you all right?" She asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine, Aisha. Thanks." I said, as I patted her shoulder. I went back to the freezer and I was just about to open it. "Sorry, they're all out of Mr.Pibbs. I got the last one." Demetri said. I just looked at him drunkenly before walking off in another direction.

As I was walking and looking around aimlessly, I saw Jack standing at the edge of the dock, soullessly looking towards the never ending lake that was ahead of him. I walked next to him and stared with him. "Hey..Jack, whatcha lookin at bud?" I asked him with a slight slur in my talk.

He side glanced at me, before looking back at the water and replying, "Nothing Miguel, just looking at the water, and thinking about life." He replied. "C'mon man, it's a party, no need to be gloomy." I said nonchalantly. "Why aren't you drunk or something?" I asked him. "Well, they ran out of beer before I could get any, and I'm gloomy, because I kinda hate water man." He told me.

"Dude, are you afraid of water? Can you not swim or something?" I asked him curiously. "No, I'm not afraid of water, and I can swim... It's just, my little sister went swimming in a lake once, and...she drowned..." He told me solemnly. "Oh shit, Jack, I'm sorry for your loss." I gave him my condolences.
"Nah I'm just fucking with you, I never had a sister, I was just waiting for someone to come over here to see what the hell I was doing. Thank for caring though. But anyways, c'mon, let's go party!" Jack exclaimed as he ran off towards the beach shore once again.

I stood there shocked before a wild grin appeared on my face. "That motherfucker is crazy!" I yelled before chasing after him.


This is my return until the end of this story. And the new schedule will be a chapter every Saturday Central Time Zone at any time.

I apologize for my absence and I will try my best to make sure this doesn't happen again.

ℂ𝕠𝕓𝕣𝕒 𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℕ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕤 (Cobra Kai AU)Where stories live. Discover now