The Party (3/3)

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Jack P.O.V

Miguel and I were sitting on the sand, looking up the hill, drinking beers, and having a good time. "Honestly Jack, I don't even remember why I was so down at the beginning of the party." Miguel said with a few burps and slurs.

"Good bud, don't worry about it, just worry about having a good night." I said clearly. Alcohol doesn't really affect me anymore.

Miguel and I continued to have a bunch of conversations about life and what not, when a car pulled up on the hill. Two people hopped out of the vehicle. One being Samantha LaRusso, and the other was a guy I've never seen before.

I quickly turned to Miguel and I watched as his smile slowly morph into a small scowl. I got up off of the sand and helped Miguel stand up. "I know you're thinking of confrontation, so I'm going with you, to make sure you don't do something stupid." I told him.

His expression was a bit relentless, as he didn't want me to go with him, but in the end, he gave up. "You know what, fine, at least you're on my side, right?" He asked. "Until I die." I replied determinedly. He dapped me up before walking ahead of me to go confront Sam and this unknown guy.

I followed closely behind and looked ahead to see Sam walking down the hill while holding this guy's hand, seeming as if she, or him, would fall. "*Sigh* Women, don't understand the emotions of their respective partners." I muttered under my breath. Miguel followed my line of sight and he stopped while balling his fist slightly, so I ruffled his hair and continued to walk ahead of him.

He barely calmed down and followed suit behind me. Soon, we reached Sam and her little "guy friend" at the end of the hill. I decided to let Miguel do most of the talking. I'll only step in the argrument if I'm needed. "Hey." Miguel said in a certain tone that I cannot describe in words because of how little my vocabulary is...anyways, Miguel then continued and said, "Who's this guy?" He asked with a fake grin.

"Wait, this, this is your boyfriend?" The guy asked. "Yeah, Miguel relax." Sam said. I was just watching from a few feet away. Although I was a good distance away from Miguel, I could still hear and see the situation perfectly. And I could tell that Miguel was getting more and more upset and hurt by the minute.

"This is Robby. He works for my dad." Sam explained. "Oh, with your dad. Ok, that makes a lot of sense." Miguel said, his fake chill stature and posture slowly falling infront of Sam and this new Robby character. "What is that supposed to mean? Wait. Have you been drinking?" Sam asked.

Miguel was silent, before he started chuckling. "No, no. You don't get to turn this on me. I texted and called you all day, and you couldn't answer me back once?" Miguel questioned Sam, as his tone of voice began to get more and more scruffy and loud, due to the betrayal he was feeling from his girlfriend.

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone." Sam tried to explain, but was soon cut off by Miguel. "Oh, that's so convenient." Miguel said. "Hey, hey, man, just tell-" Robby tried to de-escalate the situation but was pushed to the floor by Miguel. "You get out of here!" Miguel yelled at him. "Miguel stop it!" Sam yelled at him. "Hey man, you wanna try that again?" Robby asked. "Try that again huh?"

I could tell Miguel was seriously going to swing, but I also noticed that Miguel would hit Sam if he swung. And as his noble brother, I will save him from this sticky situation. I quickly dashed towards Miguel while going full speed, before I tackle him to the ground, turn him around, and sit on his back. I saw Robby still trying to approach Miguel to fight, even though he was on the ground.

That kinda pissed me off. So I stood up and banged chests with Robby. "As you can see, I've handled the situation, and you still want to attack a man even when he's down? Where's your pride at? You must not have any. Now Robby, I'm gonna need you, to kindly fuck off, and go back to the hole you crawled out of." I whispered in his ear menacingly.

As I backed away from him, I saw slight fear in his eyes just like Kyler, but unlike Kyler, that fear went away quickly. He death stared Miguel, before walking up the hill towards the car he came in, and got in it. Sam looked at Miguel disappointingly, before saying, "My dad was right about Cobra Kai." Then she followed Robby to the car, and drove off, seemingly back to her house.

I turned around and starting speaking to Miguel. "Well, you're welcome for hel-" Well, I couldn't even finish my sentence before Miguel clocked me straight on my cheek. I spit out blood and turned to him.

I asked him while sighing, "Why did you do that?" He walked past me while saying, "I had that."

"Would you have had it if you punched Sam in the face?" I asked him. He stopped for a moment and looked at me. With my back still turned to him I started explaining his mistakes like a cliche anime sensei.

"Of course you didn't notice, you must've been too damn drunk." I told him. "Notice what?"

"Notice that if you threw that punch, then you would've hit Sam just how you hit me, and trust me, the last thing you want to see, is your girl falling to the ground, and spitting out blood because you hit her. It's not a good look." I told him.

He only just now started thinking about what would happen in the present and the future, if he would've swung at Robby. He walked up to me with an apologetic face. "I'm sorry. I let my emotions take control of me, I shouldn't have acted that repulsive towards Sam and Robby, I should've assessed the situation like you always tell me. I should've listened."

He continued, "I'm also sorry for hitting you in the face, I just didn't understand what to do and I was upset, are we still brothers?" He asked, hopefully. I stared him down, before extending my hand to bring him into a bro hug. "Forever hermano." I told him. He smiled as we backed out of the hug. After the hug I brought down my fist on his cheek which sent him to the ground in pain.

"Sorry hermano, had to get my lick back." I expressed to him, shamelessly. "It's alright, I honestly deserve it." Miguel got up, holding his cheek in pain. "Come on, we gotta get you home, as well as me." I told him as we walked to the car we rented. 'Sigh, I really need a car.' I pondered, before walking up the hill, and getting in the driver's seat.

I waited for Miguel to get in the passenger seat, before taking off. On the way home, I noticed Miguel had a sad look on his face. "Hey, Miguel, I see your face, and I already know what you're thinking." I told him. "Jack, I fucked up, what if... What if she leaves me?" Miguel asked.

"Listen, if she leaves you, it's her loss. Even though you caused most of the problems for her to ever want to leave you, she still has to take accountability for what she's done too.

Trust me Miguel, you're not the only one in the wrong. Who does she think she is, holding hands with another guy who she's know for less than a month and taking him to that party?" I asked him. "Yeah, you're right, thanks Jack, I needed that." Miguel said. "Mhm, no problem, just sit back and enjoy the tunes." I told him as I put on some songs from the
"Die Lit" by Playboi Carti.

Here you go boys, another chapter for y'all. Be prepared for next weeks chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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