Cast members: OC: Shade A-1, Phantom RRT, Jackson ISD, Ethan IA.

Shade: How late were you up last night?

Phantom & Jackson, in tandem: Me?

Shade: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.

Shade, to Ethan: You.


Ethan: I was uh.. Watching anime..?

Shade: ....

Ethan: I'm grounded aren't I.

Shade: What do you think?

Ethan: Just because I am the youngest! Doesn't mean I should be treated as a kid!

Shade: And yet who is the oldest here? ME!

Ethan: Not true! Phantom is the same age as you!

Phantom: actually kid. We are the same age, yes. But I'm in August. He's in November. So yes. Shade is the oldest.

Ethan: ...

Ethan: Fuck you both.

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