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Cast member: SCP 035

SCP 035: I hate how you're just born out of nowhere, and you're forced to go to school and get education so you can get a job. What if I wanted to be a duck? No one ever asked me if I want to be a duck!


Cast member: Dr. Bright

Dr. Bright: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.


Cast members: Dr. Clef

Dr. Clef: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".


Cast members: SCP 049

SCP 049: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as... people I met.


Cast members: Dr. Glass and Dr. Iceberg

Dr. Glass: Are you drinking enough water?
Dr. Iceberg: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.


Cast members: Shade, Dr. Bright, Ayrton

Shade: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off?
Aryton: What? No, I—
Dr. Bright: *enters room*
Shade: *jaw clenches*


Cast members: Shade, Phantom, Elijah, Noah, Kevin, Ayrton

*The Squad with cigarettes*
Shade: I smoke regularly.
Phantom: I smoke sparingly.
Elijah: I smoked once, but I didn't care for it.
kevin: I've never smoked, but the idea intrigues me.
Ayrton: I've never smoked, and I refuse to do so.
Noah: What's a cigarette?

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