16 : 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐

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It's been about an hour and Alicia still isn't back. I'm starting to worry. She should've been here by now. The penthouse isn't too far.

I called her but it's sending me straight to voicemail. I've texted her but nothing. Still on delivered.

Desirae : Ruben where's Alicia? I can't find her.
Ruben : She went back to my penthouse to get something but she should've been back by now and I'm starting to worry..
Desirae : Tried calling her?
Ruben : She won't answer..
Desirae : That's not like her. She can forget anything except her phone!
Carter : What's going on?
Ruben : ...
Desirae : Alicia left and hasn't come back. She's not picking up either..
Carter : Where did she go?
Ruben : To my penthouse to pick up something. She took my car so I can't go check.
Carter : Let's both go check then. I'll be back babe.
Desirae : Okay...
Ava : Is everything okay?
Desirae : Yeah don't worry.

We took Carter's car and drove to my penthouse. Something is off. Alicia always picks up my calls. She always replies to my texts. I'm really worrying that something happened. I hope her phone died or something and that's why she isn't picking up..

Once we parked we got out of the car but then I saw mine.

Ruben : There's my car.
Carter : Then she's probably here.
Ruben : But why won't she pick up?
Carter : Let's go check..

We quickly went up to my penthouse. My heart rate was starting to rise. 
I don't know what to expect.

I didn't have my keys since I gave them to Alicia. I opened the door and it was open. We got inside but-

Ruben : Alicia?!Carter : She's not here

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Ruben : Alicia?!
Carter : She's not here..
Ruben : But- my car is outside-
Carter : Wait...
Ruben : What?

Carter bent down near the couch and grabbed Alicia's phone from under.

Carter : Her phone...
Ruben : No...no no something happened...
Carter : Check the cameras!!

I quickly got my laptop from the table and went into the system to check the cameras.

Carter : Check at around two hours ago.
Ruben : Okay
Carter : Oh look she's just entering.
Ruben : What the- that's-
Carter : Fucking Victor Henriquez!

I felt a pain in my chest and anger running through my blood the moment I saw what that fucker did to my girl! He has her...

Carter : We need to take this to the police! Now!

We quickly went back to the car and Carter started driving to the police station.

-phone call-

Carter : Hello?
Desirae : Babe what's going on? Did you find her?
Carter : No....we're heading to the police station right now.
Desirae : The police?! What for?
Carter : She was taken..
Desirae : What...
Carter : I'll call you later okay?
Desirae : Carter-
Carter : I love you I'll talk to you later. -ends call-

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