Translating Emotions to Motions - Tzuyu x Male Reader (8207 Words)

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=======================Author's Notes======================

Hey jisooOwO here, wow another update author are you overworking yourself? no i just have no life, anyway anyway heres a new one, it felt pretty easy to write but ended up being really long, but i like it i guess. Gawddamn tzuyu's cute asf so this is filled with a fair amount of fluff and cute smutt

aNYway enjoy :)


To say the last three months were a rollercoaster for your life would be an immense understatement. You'd had three major changes in your life. You started off as just an intern working under JYPE, being fluent in English and Korean landed you a spot there, starting off by translating and writing out English subtitles for their Youtube content. With your strong work ethic and skills being noticed and appreciated, you found yourself climbing the ranks. From working on other group's videos, all the way up to becoming Twice's main English translator. That position coming with a couple perks, for one, you got to spend a lot of time with each of the members, as well as the large pay check. But the former mattered more to you. Helping with pronunciation for their English lyrics, as well as regular English tutoring lessons, you could say you had gotten pretty close to the girls, with them often inviting you over to spend time together as friends. The members all trusted you as you took great care of them, almost acting like a makeshift leader of the group if Jihyo wasn't around. This led to you being offered a position on the crew that would accompany Twice on their fourth world tour, specifically, the trip to America. With a little negotiation, and a large sum of money involved, you found yourself on a plane and in the US in no time.


With that bringing us to the present, you found yourself in Tzuyu's hotel room, sat next to her at a desk, helping her study and prepare for the upcoming concerts. Now, I mentioned that there were three major changes in your life, one of those being your new found occupation, and another was being close friends with Twice. The last change happens to be about your 'close friend' relationship with Tzuyu. Although saying that makes it sound like you're sex friends, and that would explain why you're in her hotel room; alone together with the door locked to keep out prying eyes. But alas, this is not the case. With Tzuyu being quite a fast learner when it came to languages, most likely due to her past of learning two languages in Chinese and Korean. This came to you two spending a lot of time progressing well, you spent more time with Tzuyu than you did the other members by a long shot. Over the course of this time, you saw the cuter sides of the idol. Not the physical side of it, that much is obvious, but her personalities and mannerisms. Her laughs and giggles, the way when she started laughing and she couldn't stop, her witty sense of humour, how shy she would get at compliments. You found all of these things the most precious thing on Earth. Not before long you were head over heals for her. And the same could be said about her. Your smile when she got an answer right, the concentrated look you had when marking her work, how your humour fit hers like a well made glove. Sooner then later, you two ended up being shy messes with each other, stumbling over words, going red at the slightest glances, it was so distracting that you found in hours of work you two had progressed no further. Although the troubles all came to a stop when you finally grew a pair and confessed. And that's that. 

"Wow, your writing is getting better and better Tzu." You mumble under your breath, as you read what she had spent the last ten minutes on. Your study sessions typically went like this, you'd give her a task, she would give her best go at it and you would watch in awe at her beauty. You'd mark it, fix any errors, then just spending some time together. However due to the over looming concerts, you two had been pushing a lot further. "You know all this practice is a little overkill." You say putting her paper down and resting your head on your hand, which was propped up by your elbow on the table. You glance over at her and see a look of shame wash over her.

Twice x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang