Chapter 2 - a new start

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PoV ScarScar opened his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. He was standing in a large meadow lined with trees. In the distance, the young man saw a small village with some familiar figures milling about, but he decided to walk in the opposite direction.Why? He didn't know. But sometimes you just had to follow your gut.Today was the first day of the new season, and Scar was excited to build something new again. In advance, he had given it a lot of thought and prepared sketches so he could get started as soon as he had the resources.Lost in thought, he trudged up a small hill.

"Hey, Bdubs!" Scar could see from a distance as Tango gave his buddy a friendly box against the shoulder. "Tango, what are you doing?!" yelled Bdubs in response. Laughing, the two chased after each other. When they saw Scar on the hill, they stopped briefly and waved at him before continuing their chase.The two had hardly changed since they had last seen each other. They were still as cheerful and loud as ever.The only thing he noticed about Bdubs was that his little friend had thrown a green camouflage hoodie over his otherwise light blue shirt.Suits him.But the red bandana around his head was probably stuck on him. Glad to see Tango and Bdubs again, Scar was walking quickly toward them when suddenly the tablet in his pocket made a noise. Annoyed, he pulled the orange device out of the huge inside pocket of his jacket - of which he was very proud - and looked to see who wanted something now. Sure, today was the first day of the new season, and everyone was happy to get together for once, but couldn't they have some peace and quiet for once?

< MumboJumbo: Hey guys! I'd like to give a little speech to welcome you all again, if that's okay with y'all. Meet me in the village in 5 minutes! :) >

"Village....village...what in the world? Where was the village again?!" Searchingly, the former Mayor looked around. The only Hermits he could see were Bdubs and Tango. But whether they were really that helpful? - That was debatable.Scar's chaotic buddy and his red-eyed companion were just coming toward him."Scar! Long time no see, bro!" Bdubs hugged him tightly, nearly smothering Scar with it. Tango, meanwhile, held up his hand for a high-five and Scar chimed in, breathing heavily. He basically got out of breath quickly already, and Bdubs seemed to forget this more often than not. But he couldn't blame him."It's good to see you again, too, you messes!" replied Scar with a grin. Tango smirked. "Says the very right guy. Pfft!""Oouhhh! What's that fancy thing you're wearing?" suddenly remarked Bdubs, emitting an appreciative whistle. "Suits you!" "Oh, ehm...yeah that..." Embarrassed, Scar tightened his jacket, smoothed out his gray pants, and adjusted his small - appropriately red - hat. But inwardly he was pleased that his new outfit was well received by at least one person. He had picked out something special to go with the theme of the buildings he had planned.

"Whoa, that's cute!" squealed the short man as he tiptoed around the man in the suit.Scar nervously grabbed the brim of his hat and took a step back. "Hey, that's mine! Hands off!" Laughing, he took the hat to his chest and turned away from Bdubs. "I just want to look!" he defended himself. "And besides, it's too small for me anyway. And for you, too, actually!""Hey, that was mean!" pouted Scar, playfully miffed. "Stop being so mean to poor little Scar!"Tango tapped him on the shoulder. "I didn't do anything!" he shouted indignantly, bracing his arms at his sides. "But I agree with Bdubs..."Scar turned back to Bdubs in a huff as the blond drew attention once again. "And one other thing: the village is this way." He glanced at his digital wristwatch. "And we only have three minutes left." The friends set off. "Oh, for goodness sake, I get distracted way too fast!" my Scar, more to himself than to the others. "But again, to my hat..."


"...And that's why I think it's not always about utility, you know? Sometimes something doesn't need to have a use, it just needs to look already!"
They had already entered the village, and Scar was still talking. In a good mood, he walked in front. He didn't mind that Tango and Bdubs weren't listening to him. He was just happy to be among people again.
 Now in silence, they left the last few meters behind them and gathered at a surface cave in the middle of the village. It looked as if the ceiling of the tunnel had collapsed, and the grass had already grown over the rubble. Now it was more like a depression with steeply sloping walls, and on one side you could still see an intact part of the cave.

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