Chapter 3 - a strange visitor

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PoV Scar

Through the dense fog that covered the ground around the portal, Scar couldn't make out what had happened at first. But apparently the slender figure that had stepped out of the frame had collapsed.

Behind him, he heard some of the other Hermits finally arrive on the peak of the hill. They inquired ignorantly about what had just happened. Keralis tapped him on the shoulder. "Scar, what in the world is going on?"But he didn't answer, instead hurrying to follow behind Mumbo, Cleo, Etho and Xisuma, who had already made their way to the scene.When Scar finally arrived at the foot of the huge portal - which was larger than he'd estimated from afar - Xisuma was already crouching by the strange figure.It turned out that this 'figure' was a young woman in a long, dark red jacket, which wasn't so dissimilar to his own one. In a voice distorted by the helmet, Xisuma stated, "She's fainted. It's best if we just wait here for a moment until she regains consciousness and is responsive."The tall man, who was wearing an armor that had axolotl-ish features, didn't even seem to question how the stranger had gotten here, or why.

"Mumbo, are you guys okay?" Grian hovered in the air far above the others, looking questioningly in their direction. Actually, it wasn't Grian's style at all to stay away from the exciting stuff, but for whatever reason he stayed on the hill. When Mumbo clearly gave a thumbs-up in reply, the blond boy dropped down among the rest of the Hermits in relief to watch the sensation from there.

Scar looked more closely at the young woman in the arms of the server admin. Still unconscious and with her eyes closed, she lay with her head on Xisuma's thigh covered in the pinkish metal of his armor. Not really comfortable, but still better than the floor. She had long blonde hair, tanned skin and wore a steampunk-themed outfit. Somehow, she reminded Scar a bit of False. Just like the PvP queen, she had some kind of aviator glasses on her head, but their lenses were broken. A white blouse with a pair of short black pants and boots that went to above her knees. Over that was the burgundy silky jacket.
Excited murmurs spread. What was she doing here? How had she gotten here? And why? All these questions would soon be answered. Everyone fell silent as she opened her eyes. 

Yeh, I know, it's a very short chapter, rather meant as an intermediate chap...well, I hope you like it. :) Feel free to leave a vote and/or comment to push the algorithm a bit xDUntil next time!-Skylaaaa

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