Chapter 2

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|Love is complicated|

Jisoo arrived back in Seoul at midnight and she forgot to ask for a key and she doesn't want to wake them by knocking so she opted to sitting outside and maybe tried sleeping until Chaeyoung wakes up

Which is...3 hours from now, She groans and sits down by the hallway door. 


Chaeyoung wakes up to pee and sees the message, "She better not be outside" the lawyer tells herself and opens the door to be sure - Jisoo falls in with a thud and bolted awake 

"I'm alive" is the first thing she says and Chaeyoung laughs

"I was angry cause you could've gone home but you're so funny I forgive you" 

Jisoo ignores that and hugs Chaeyoung, "I missed this and can we not do the whole I'm sorry for being an idiot and wanting to spend the night with and you still end up angry?" Jisoo did not know where that sentence came from but in the end she still went back to her own apartment - Angry and frustrated


Chaeyoung who took an instant liking to Lisa when they first met became her sort-of bestfriend. 

"I don't know why she's like this" Chaeyoung says on the phone - Lisa was on the other line. 

"What did she do now?" 

"She slept outside my apartment instead of knocking - what kind stupid shit is that?" 

Lisa stayed quiet, not really sure how to respond to this, "...Uh,Chae?" 

"What?" Chaeyoung asked

"Are you fucking crazy? Why are you so riled up about this? she slept outside - she slept outside instead of knocking just to not wake you up" Lisa exhales, "What am I missing here?" 

Chaeyoung sighs, "It's complicated" 

"Well, uncomplicate it. It's been a year Chae and I love you but if you're not really sure about this whole trial thing - please for the love of God, tell Jisoo" 

"I am sure!" Chaeyoung exclaims, "It's just that...I'm scared" 

"of course you are! and not that I'm trying to invalidate you but if you're scared how do you think Jisoo is feeling? that girl is an emotionally repressed human" 

"I'll talk to her" 

"Great! and Chaeyoung?" 


"Don't call at this hour - you and Jisoo might be on a fight but Jennie and I aren't so..."

"-Okay! Too much information" Chaeyoung says and ends the call with Lisa laughing on the other line


Chaeyoung arrived at the hospital Jisoo works in, Cassie breaking away from her hold to hug the doctor

"Hey, kiddo!" Jisoo greets and pulls her up in a hug, "what are you doing here?"

"Mum says she's in trouble with you"

Chaeyoung slaps her own forehead, she should not have told her daughter that

"Are you here to reign me in?" Jisoo asks

"Nope, I'm here to goad actually" Cassie says with a giggle

"You are not 5 years old" Jisoo laughs, "how about this - I'll just finish my round checks and see you at the cafeteria and we can make fun of your mum?"

"Yes!" The 5 year old nods and jumps out of the doctor's arm and back to her mom


"So...I was thinking we could fly to Cabo for a few days" Chaeyoung suggests

"I can't - I have so many surgeries lined up and Cassie still has therapy" Jisoo points out

After the accident, Cassie has a twice a month physical therapy - not that she needs it but it's better to be safe, "What do we do then?"

"I though the agreed upon place is yours? And I'm staying there for a few weeks" Jisoo says and helps cut Cassie's food

"I can do it" the little girl insists and the doctor chuckles

"How about this, when I'm done with all my surgeries, I'll take a vacation and we can fly to New York to visit Jendukie and Lisa" Jisoo suggests, "plus Cass can finaly meet me parents" she adds and Chaeyoung feels her heart pick up

The lawyer really wanted a vacation, just the three of them preferably in a beach or in the mountains but love is also compromise so she agrees

"I like that"

"Great! My break is almost over, I'll see you two later?"

Chaeyoung nods, "and oh, before I forget" she gives Jisoo a card, "key card to my apartment - so you don't have to sleep in the hallway"

The doctor smiles at her, "thanks, I love you. I'll see you later"

"I love you too" Chaeyoung says with a smile, every single time she says those words she feels a fire igniting in her heart and it hurts so good

Jisoo stands up to kiss the lawyer and then Cassie on the forehead before leaving, she feels the key card getting heavier on her hand

She doesn't think of how far the Chaeyoung's apartment is to the hospital or the fact that she needs to adjust her whole timetable given the extra hours of driving

Jisoo was simply happy, the key card feels like Chaeyoung's trust and she's not about to break it. In fact she will take care of it and cherish.

God, she is so in love.

And in love there is compromise.

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