Chapter 5

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|Love makes you a better person|


Chaeyoung can't say she was surprised with how perfect Jisoo into the tiny cracks of her life - filling it with love and holding them together as one, although she gets overwhelmed by the domesticity of it all that she falters for a while before smiling until her cheeks hurt. 

Like right now - it was a cold Saturday morning and a rare occasion that Jisoo is up before she is, she finds the doctor with their daughter making pancakes - or at least trying to. Cassie is sitting on the kitchen counter, hair sprinkled with what Chaeyoung suspects as pancake mix and Jisoo carefully flipping pancakes 

"Nooo" Cassie giggles, "Mum likes it a little burnt" 

"Alright" Jisoo laughs and kisses the kid in the forehead, "Why don't you clean up while I finish this" 

"No" Cassie says indignantly, "I wanna help" 

"But you already did - now go shower" Jisoo insists and helps the five year old jump off the counter

Cassie proceeds to stick her tongue out to Jisoo who just laughs and flips the pancake again, "I like them a little burnt" Chaeyoung says announcing her presence 

"Mum!" Cassie runs to her and then turns back to the doctor who's grinning like a fool 

"Told you she likes them a little burnt" 

"Right - go shower" 

When Cassie leaves to shower Chaeyoung already have a coffee waiting for her and a kiss on the cheeks, "You're up early" 

"I actually just got home" Jisoo states, "That was Cassie sleeping beside you and she woke with me cooking and decided she wants her hands on the pancake mix" 

Chaeyoung clears her throat, "So...this trial have been a blast huh?" 

Jisoo looks at her, "It was - what's your take on it Attorney Park?" 

"I think we should move to a more permanent agreement - as a matter of fact I think we did great in this trial, what do you think Doctor Kim?" 

The doctor grins, "I agree - I also booked a 3 tickets to Maldives and a week off work" 

And Chaeyoung thinks she couldn't fall more in love with this human, "Marry me" 


"Marry me" Chaeyoung repeats, more firmer this time. "I was walking on egg shells for the past few days because I was scared - scared that you'd wake up and decide you're not up for the whole motherhood thing and I was scared you'd ask me to marry you before you realized it" 

Jisoo looked like she swallowed her tongue so Chaeyoung continues, "I was scared because I knew I would say yes because I am irrevocably in love with you and I would want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you - but at the same time I was also excited so marry me" 

"Where's the ring?" a tiny voice asks and they both turned to look at Cassie looking at them in her usual innocent/excited smile 

"Yeah" Jisoo huffs, "Where is the ring?" 

"The still in the store because this is kind of a whirlwind situation" Chaeyoung explains as she tries to get out of the stares of her her two most loved humans 

"whirl-what?" Cassie asks seemingly not familiar with the word 

"Whirlwind - something rapid or impulsive" Jisoo explains as she flips the pancake one last time and turns off the stove, "Kinda like this" the doctor adds and pulls something from her pocket - a tiny box (at this point Chaeyoung's heart drops and picks up at the same time) she slides the now opened box containing a ring adorned with pink and black diamonds towards the lawyer 

"Was gonna do it in Maldives but hey, I can afford two engagement rings" Jisoo smirks 

"What are you waiting for mom?! Put it on!" Cassie shouts in excitement, jumping up and down. 

So Chaeyoung does put the ring on - it was a perfect fit. She hears Jisoo take a shaky breath and life has never been more perfect. 


The trip to Maldives was as refreshing as Jisoo thought it would be - and of course she wasn't about to be robbed of her dream proposal so she does - in fact, propose the second time. Dinner at sunset, slow dancing till the sun disappears and then her pulling another ring. 

Before they go back to Seoul, all three of them flew to New York for Cassie to personally meet Jisoo's parent's and now a day before they go back to Korea - Chaeyoung is sharing a drink with Lisa 

"I'm proud - Jisoo came a long way for this" the Thai said, "never in all my years did I think Jisoo can spend an entire day around her parent's and half-brother"

"I guess being a mother had that sort of effect on her" 

"-Or maybe it's just you, Maybe that's your effect on her - maybe she's just a better person with you" 

"That's love I guess - it makes us better" 

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAH happy mother's day y'all and enjoy!

Writing this distract myself from the upcoming elections, fingers crossed 🤞🤞

Writing this distract myself from the upcoming elections, fingers crossed 🤞🤞

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