Chapter 6

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|I'm so encaptured, got me wrapped up in your touch 
Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch 
How do you do it, you got me losing every breath
What did you give me to make my heart beat out my chest|


The double doors leading to the garden where the wedding ceremony is being held, Jisoo opted to be the on who's waiting on the end of the aisle, It just feels right that way. 

Everyone stood up while Chaeyoung walks on the carpet filled with flower petals, she was met half way by her parents. "I'm proud of you" her dad whispers. The violin cover of can't help falling in love with you is playing softly on the background

Jennie Kim and Lisa Manoban can't help but shed a few tears, there were a few tears on the sides of Jisoo's eyes but it doesn't fall just yet. Jisoo lets out a shaky breath as she sees Chaeyoung walking closer to her 

The ceremony was brief but it was sweet in all the right places, "As requested the bride will read their own vows to each other" the officiant says 

And since nothing in their wedding is traditional they opted to using the corpse bride vows as they exchange rings, Jisoo goes first - she holds Chaeyoung's hands both of their hands are shaking 

"With this hand
I will lift your sorrows"

"I know this is only the beginning of the whirlwind adventure and I'm not naïve to think everything will be rainbows and butterflies, of course there will always be struggles and hardships but it doesn't matter because I can be in the middle of a storm and still find peace as long as I'm holding your hand. You created a bubble of space that I never want to leave as long as I breath" 

"Your cup will never be empty 

For I will be your wine"

"I used to think I have everything I ever need to last a lifetime, a stable job, a house, a car and an established life - a trust fund just in case I got lazy-" the crowd laughs along with Chaeyoung and Jisoo is trying so hard to not choke on her words "-I remember the night Cassie came in the hospital and it was one of the worst nights in my life, I was so frustrated with everything and then I was shipped a million miles away from home" 

"With this candle 
I will light your way into darkness" 

"you once told me that I fill the little cracks in your life but you - you filled a big hole in my life with life and I didn't think I needed and oh - don't get me wrong I was beyond frustrated about how much you can affect me"

"With this ring
I ask you to be mine" 

"Love is complicated, Love is compromise, it's also irrevocable, unchanging and uncontested - Love makes you a better person - you are love, you make my heart beat out my chest with every single thing you do and I wouldn't want anything else in life when you're by my side" 

Jisoo slips the the ring in Chaeyoung's finger and she lets go of the breath she seemed to be holding, there were tears streaming steadily on Chaeyoung's face and Jisoo wiped them softly 

"With this hand
I will lift your sorrows"

"Jisoo Kim, the first time I heard that name it was in a fundraiser a million miles away from home, I was charmed out my reverie - little do I know she was also the angel that saved my little angel and there was something about the way you smiled that I felt comfort" 

"Your cup will never be empty

For I will be your wine"

"You took on my world by storm and left everything in chaos but I find myself happier than ever, I couldn't put to words how much I'm thankful that you arrived in my life. It wasn't all rainbows and butterflies - it was scheduling conflicts, petty fights, heavy arguments and maybe I was just scared that you're breaking my walls putting an end to the constant loop in my life"

"With this candle
I will light your way into darkness" 

"you brought me out of my comfort zone and I didn't doubt you for a second although it look me more than a second to love your insane love for chickens-" the crowd laughs "-I love you more than words can ever say and I'm happy I found you"

 "With this ring
I ask you to be mine" 

"I stand before you right now because you accepted me for everything that I am and for everything that I'm not. I do believe that we have one person set aside for us - soulmates who find themselves in each other's despite all the obstacles and I am glad I found you" 

"Love is a beautiful thing and it should not be limited as to when it constitutes as normal or accepted by the society by the power vested in me I now pronounce you partners in life - you may kiss the bride" 

Deafening cheers and applause are heard as Jisoo kissed Chaeyoung, they walk down the aisle with Cassie joining them. It was the just the beginning of the beautiful adventure and they can't wait to face it but right now their daughter wants cake so...reception here we go! 


"Did your parents really paid for everything?" Chaeyoung asks 

"Yep" Jisoo answers nonchalantly, "Don't feel guilty - this is the only thing I get from them" 

Chaeyoung laughs and elbows her wife playfully - "How long do you think Lisa and Jennie will last with Cassie before they ship her off to my parents?" 

"I'd say two hours at best" Jisoo laughs

"Nah, I think they'll last longer" Chaeyoung chuckles, remembering Jennie volunteering to babysit Cassie while they're on their honeymoon because she wants Lisa to think about having kids 


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