Chapter 3

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|Love is compromise| 

Truth be told, Doctors have very little to no time to themselves but Jisoo is willing to sacrifice her limited vacation days so that Chaeyoung can go to New York for a case

"Are you sure? I can always ask my sister" 

the same sister that was responsible for Cassie's accident? nope. "No need, I got this" Jisoo glances at Cassie who's playing on her Nintendo Switch, "Right, Cass?" 

"Yep" the 5 year old says without as much as a glance from their direction and Jisoo grins smugly at Chaeyoung 

"I trust you but please call me or my parents if you need help" 

"Okay, mum" Cass says absentmindedly 

"She was talking to me but Cass is right - we will definitely call if we need help" 

Jisoo and Cass drove the lawyer to the airport, at first glace it just looks like a normal goodbye but the doctor knows better - this is the first time Chaeyoung is leaving the country since the accident. 

"Promise you'll take care of her" The lawyer says to Jisoo as they were saying their goodbyes

"Of course, I won't let anything happen to her" 


And this is the first time Jisoo is actually alone with Cassie - truly alone because Chaeyoung is a thousand miles up in the air. 

"so...what do you want to do?" Jisoo asks before she can doubt her capabilities on taking care of a child on her own 

"Can I watch TV?" the 5 year old asks but the way her eyes shift Jisoo knows she wasn't allowed to watch TV

"How about something that won't make you wear glasses before you're 18" 

The 5 year old is intertwining her hands and rocking back in forth and Jisoo knows she wants something - she'd seen Cass do this to Chaeyoung and most of the time the lawyer had no strength to say no and Jisoo isn't so sure of her ability to say no 

"Can you teach me how chess?" 

The pause indicates it wasn't what she really wants but Jisoo learned to trust the process and not just dive into what a kid wants, "Sure - lemme get your mom's chess board" 

It took 4 games of chess before the kid caves in and Jisoo smiles to herself, "I really want to learn about what you do in the hospital" 

"Okay" Jisoo cleans up the chess board, "Well...I'm a general surgeon so I have no specialty but my mentor was a Neurosurgeon so I know a lot about that" 

"What's a ne--uh" 

"Neu-ro-sur-geon" Jisoo enunciates, "It's a doctor that specializes in brain surgery" she explains

"Oh" the five year old says, "wait - did you see my brain?!" 

Jisoo howled in laughter, "I didn't, I operated on your spine not your head"


Dinner is served and eaten so now they tried calling Chaeyoung to say goodnight

"Hey!" Jisoo was surprised she picked up once the call connected

"I'm on a layover" Chaeyoung smiles tiredly

"Hey, Mum!" Cass shouts

"Hi baby!"

"Here" Jisoo hands her the phone, "I'm just gonna clean up" she informs Chaeyoung and kisses Cass in the head

Jisoo can hear the hushed conversations as she starts cleaning up and as she was drying the plates a sudden array of emotions hit her, the domesticity of it all just kinda takes her aback and she's smiling uncontrollably

"Kim Jisoo, Don't burn my apartment" She hears a faint shout and Cass giggles 

"Cass, Stop ratting me out to your mother" Jisoo just laughs and the lightness in her heart doesn't leave


But of course it's not always rainbow and butterflies. Jisoo wasn't too naïve to even think this would be smooth sailing - because two day before Chaeyoung is about to go home Jisoo gets a call from the hospital 

"I'm on vacation" she answers as soon as Seulgi calls

"Yeah - you might wanna turn on the news. It's a freaking spree here so get your tiny ass here" 

"But I have a kid. Can't you guys handle it?" 

the line ended after that leaving no room for an answer. She looks at Cassie who's looking at her with wide eyes. She knows she's legally not obligated to go but her moral compass is killing her. 

The 5 year old must've sensed her dilemma cause she grabs the doctor's hands and says, "Let's go" 

Confused, Jisoo asks, "Go where? Do you need to use the bathroom?" 

"I'm 5, I can go to the bathroom myself - I mean let's go to the hospital" 


"Come on!" Cassie tries to drag her, "We have to save lives!" 

At that moment she knew she was in love - irrevocably, unchanging and uncontested. 


Jisoo wanted to drop to Cassie to Chaeyoung's parents but the little girl insisted she can just hang in her office and promise not to get in trouble. 

"Alright" Jisoo changes into her scrubs as soon as she enters her office, Cassie trailing behind her. "Stay here and don't go anywhere else without a companion - if you need food ask my secretary okay?" 

"Copy!" Cassie says enthusiastically and Jisoo fights back a smile 

Seulgi Kang who was another general surgeon looked at her in surprise once she enters the ER (emergency room) 

"I thought you had Cassie?" The bear-like doctor asks as she was in the middle of stabilizing a patient 

"I do, she's in my office right now" Jisoo looks around, "We better move fast - my kid haven't had lunch yet" 




It was past 9pm and Jisoo feels her every muscle of her body aching - she just tucked Cassie. They got home sometime around 7pm and the 5 year old demanded for a song because she had to eat hospital food for lunch and dinner

She pops open a beer and sits on a stool in the kitchen, she was enjoying the silence after a busy day. Jisoo was in and out the OR (operating room) and she barely had time to get lunch because of how many emergency surgeries she had to do

The doctor smiles when she remembers the conversation she overheard Chaeyoung and Cassie was having when Jisoo was taking a shower 

"She saved lives!" Cass brags 

"Yeah? did you have fun?" 

"I did - not. It was boring because I just stayed in the office but I did get to play with mom's PS vita" 

Jisoo felt her whole world stop when she heard what Cassie says. She called her mom. 

"uh-huh, did she tell you not to tell me?" Is what Chaeyoung says not even minding the title her kid just gave Jisoo - like it's normal for her to hear that - like Jisoo wasn't just a stranger who barged into their lives.

"Nope but she did tell me I saved lives too! She said I was a huge help to her today and we'll go out for ice cream once you're home - so you need to go home faster" 

Jisoo can hear Chaeyoung laughs at the serious face her daughter is displaying, "Wait for me baby and kiss me goodnight for your mom, okay?" 

"Okay! bye! love you, mum" 

"I love you too, baby" 

Five minutes after Jisoo finished her beer she phone beeped and she can feel her mouth getting tired from all the smiling she's done today. 

Atty. Chipmunk Park|

I love you. 

You make my heart beat out of my chestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें