Chapter 4

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|Irrevocable, Unchanging and Uncontested| 

Love is not always Unchanging or Uncontested, sometimes it doesn't even pass the challenge of time. Love is not always faithful nor is it trusting but there is no shadow beyond doubt that Chaeyoung was deeply in love with this stranger who barged into her life and destroyed all the walls she built for herself, her daughter and destroyed the perfect harmony they have but only to rebuild it higher, better and just perfect 

"Jisoo doesn't fit in the cracks - she takes them down and rebuilds it with just enough space where she can fit" Jennie explains as they were having lunch just before Chaeyoung leaves for Seoul

"Yeah - at first I was scared you know. Cassie wasn't always the most outgoing but somehow Jisoo managed to break down her walls" 

"Jisoo is probably as surprised as you are" Jennie laughs, "She was afraid of being like her parents, it's a good thing Cass is nothing like Jisoo" 

The lawyer laughs at that, "What's a young Jisoo like?" 

"I don't know we met in college but I'm guessing just the same way she is now" 

"Scary and cold?"


"When is mum coming home?" Cass asks for the nth time 

"She'll be here soon, okay?" Jisoo answers, they're at the hospital since Jisoo still has a bunch of patients. Chaerin not giving a single fuck that she has a 5 year old kid to take care of and is actually on vacation. 

"Kim, your patient is ready" Seulgi says barging into her office

"Why?" Jisoo asks, "She's not scheduled for another hour or so" 

"There's been a complication in scheduling the OR so..." the bear like doctor scratches the back of her neck 

Jisoo looks over at Cass and sees that the tiny wheels on her brain is rolling judging on the thinking face the girl has then she turns to Jisoo, "Can I watch you do the surgery?" 

"No" the two doctors answers at the same time, "No, Cass. Kids aren't allowed in the OR" Jisoo reasons 

"-But Aunt Seulgi here, who is also a doctor will teach you - uh...some stuff about her expertise" She adds and taps Seulgi's back in appreciation 

The bear like doctor was too stunned to speak, "Think of this as a practice when you and Irene have a baby - and also do not show her operation videos, no matter how much she begs" she whispers to the stunned doctor just before she goes out


The operation was a success and Jisoo rushed back to her office not minding her grumbling stomach and to her surprise, Irene Bae is there instead of Seulgi 

"What are you doing here?" Jisoo asks

"Seul had a patient" Irene says quietly, "You have a great kid" she adds, more sincere this time 

"Thanks, for watching over her" 

"No problem - although if my wife suddenly asks for a kid you're first in line as a godmother" 

"Like in Cinderella?" Cass asks 

"Exactly" Irene says and winks, "Bye kiddo" 

"Bye Aunt Irene!" 

Jisoo had night shift so she had no choice but to call Chaeyoung's parents. 

"But..." Cass says trying to reason with her when she told her that she's staying with her grandparents for a while

"I'll pick you up as soon as I'm done with my shift" She promises, "Then we'll pick your mum up in the airport and we're gonna have ice cream" 

Jisoo wasn't sure if the kid's eyes lit up due to the mention of ice cream or her mum but either way she's thankful for the distraction

and she didn't miss the surprise look Chaeyoung's parents had when Cassie said goodbye to her and addressed her as 'mom'

"See you later, kiddo" 


"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" Chaeyoung asks in a phone call 30 minutes after her shift 

"Yeah, I have done this some many times don't worry" Jisoo says, it's 8am and all she wants to do is crawl to bed and sleep but she promised Cassie she'll pick her up plus Chaeyoung's flight lands in a few minutes

"Okay, I'll see you and drive carefully" 

When the call ended she changed out of her scrubs and sat down on her office chair for a while, she could probably sleep for a few more minutes and with that she sets her alarm 30 mins from now and closed her eyes 


Jisoo felt someone poking her cheeks, she was about to lash out to the person about disturbing her 30 minute sleep but she was surprised to see Chaeyoung and Cassie holding their laughs in front of her 

As soon as her brain started to function she gasps and stood up, the pain in her back and neck made her falter for a moment, "What are you guys doing here? what time is it?" she looks at the clock and sees that it's been 2 hours after her shift 

"I knew you'd fall asleep so I took the liberty of taking a taxi and picking up our daughter" Chaeyoung smiles at her

The doctor was very much awake by now and her body is not sleepy anymore but when Chaeyoung said our daughter, she felt her knees turn to jellies. 

"My shift is done, how about ice cream?" 

"Yes!" Cassie exclaims 

After the trip to the Ice cream shop, Jisoo suggested they go to the zoo but Cassie says they should go home and have a Disney marathon 

"Don't feel like going out?" Jisoo asks

"It's complicated" Cass shrugs and the two adults look at each other in surprise 

"Try us" Chaeyoung says 

"Well I would love to go to the zoo but Mom looks like tired and I'm afraid she'll get sick so I'm gonna compromise and stay home to watch disney movies with Mum because I missed her so much" 

Jisoo and Chaeyoung practically melts in the spot, the doctor turns to Chaeyoung only to see tears forming in the side of her eyes, "Aren't you gonna get tired of loving us?" Jisoo asks 

"Nope" Cassie answers without missing a beat, "Aunt Irene says love is...uh - irre-vo-cab-ly" 

"Do you know what that means?" Chaeyoung asks

"No - well...yes. She explained it but I didn't really understand most of it besides I don't have to know I already feel it" 

And never in the 30 years Jisoo had lived and walk this earth - that she had thought she would cry over the cheesy words of a 5 year old.

They did spend the rest of the day in the house, huddled in comfy blankets, Corpse bride is playing in the screen and popcorns on the table - Jisoo falls asleep around the second Disney movie. Chaeyoung takes a pic of sleeping Jisoo and a focused Cassie and saves it as her screen saver

In the middle of all of it, Cassie looks at her Mum, thinking how she was the only parent she ever had and that was already more than enough but now she has another and her heart hurts when she imagines all three of them - How her mom was just the doctor that saved her and then Jisoo and then and finally her Mom and how much she loves the them both. irre-vo-cab-ly

So yeah, Cassie was sure that the love she's feeling is irre-vo-cab-le. 

A/N: Can't believe I'm finishing this fanfic first before my research AHAHAHAH I should really stop procrastinating but hey here's another chapter cause I'm soft for Chaesoo with kids 

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