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"So tell me about her..." The girl asked the boy in curiosity, but something looked off. Her eyes looked glass-like, and she hurriedly looked down at her lap after popping the question. Running her fingers through her hair, she waited for a response, looking back up as a smile pulled at the ends of the boy's lips. "Her? She's amazing. She's everything I've always wanted, everything I've always needed. It feels like an empty void has finally been filled over decades of it being vacant. It's like having a puzzle, and losing the very last piece just to find it the next day. Yes, finding the last piece is a huge relief, but watching as it fits in perfectly in the last empty space is what satisfies me. That's what she means to me." The boy laughed nervously, his eyes shifting side to side trying to gather his thoughts. This was a subject of matter he had never spoken about, especially with his close friend. The girl was seated beside him, a childhood friend that he had been keeping in contact with. He continued, "Catching a glimpse of her for the shortest second makes my heart skip a beat. Cliché, I know... but the way her smile makes my stomach flutter, and how much I crave to hear her voice, and listen to her when she laughs at something funny is kind of abnormal. Sounds creepy, don't you think?" He paused, his eyes darting over to the girl to see if she was paying attention. She was looking down, her hair slowly falling forward so that it covered her face slightly. He frowned, seeing how she was caught off guard. The girl noticed the pause in his speech and pushing her hair back as she looked back up at him. She reacted with a tentative smile, "Hm? Oh yes, of course..." Her smile only distracted him for a couple seconds before he realized that tears were running down her face. She hurriedly wiped them away with the back of her hands, following up with a nervous laugh. "Kaelyn," the boy said more sternly, but grinned soon after. The girl froze, hearing her name escape his lips. Her heart leapt as she made eye contact with him. "Yes?" She replied, clearing her throat. "The girl I'm talking about- it's you."

daydreaming.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora