the fool.

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There were many ways to describe the girl that the fool was so deeply in love with. Or was he being fooled? Considering she was named after a fast food restaurant, maybe he was being fooled. "But that's besides the point..." the fool would always say, constantly dismissing the girl's bad behaviors and immaturities. Some days the fool would sit at his desk and overthought the words she typed out so effortlessly and sent without a second guess. "Maybe I did something wrong; maybe I said something wrong," the fool would repeat to himself, having a full fledged argument with the voices in his head.

The doubt and the hatred he held for himself was consistent but overwhelming, but for her, the girl, of course he'd brush the hatred off his shoulders for a day or so just for the burden to come crawling back up his spine again. The weight was heavy, and sometimes the fool would find himself staring at the scale in a dumbfounded state of mind.

Was hs stress eating again? "No it can't be," he scolded himself again, telling himself that it was his fault and not the girls', all because he believed in this artificial happiness. The fool was attached to the temporary distraction, blinded by his feelings that he'd simply let the girl hurt him over and over again in attempts of trying to understand how the girl felt.

The fool, foolish as can be, gave the girl more chances than he'd ever give herself, and it wasn't until the girl suddenly disappeared that he'd finally realize what she had been doing to himself.

Then, again, he fell back into that pit of negativity, looking down on himself for her actions. Never once did she blame the girl she loved so dearly for her pain, rather, he'd inflict more pain on himself. The fool thought that he'd never get over her feelings. Checking his phone every time it buzzed and hoping it was the girl became a routine, and he couldn't hold herself back from nearly stalking the girl's social media in order to feel something again.

"Why would she do this to me," the fool asked himself. In his head, the girl was in love with him. He created a perfect version of the girl in his mind, and that version would never betray him like this. Again, he was fooled, ignoring reality and fantasizing about the perfect relationship with this girl.

As time passed however, the fool found himself again. He found himself in a place he thought he'd never get back to ever again.

The girl was simply, just another girl, nothing more nothing less. "Maybe I don't need her," the fool would reassure himself. And after all, the fool was only a fool when the girl was around.

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