cast + summary

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"In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground.

 Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground

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May we meet again

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May we meet again..."


Sairah stands as one of the mightiest warriors in Trikru, her formidable reputation forged through the victories she has relentlessly claimed on the battlefield. It is this unmatched prowess that earned her the prestigious title, a recognition of her unparalleled skills, making her the natural choice for Lexa's second-in-command.

The bond between Sairah and Lexa transcends time, rooted in a shared childhood and the echoes of their first battle. Today, they continue to stand side by side on the battlefield, with Lexa leading as the commander and Sairah as her unwavering second.

In the heat of battle, Sairah becomes an embodiment of ruthless power. Emotions are cast aside, her eyes ice-cold, and her movements swift and decisive. Mercy and sentimentality find no place in her approach; she executes her foes with a relentless determination.

Her presence instills fear in many, for she is a force to be reckoned with. Some find themselves drawn to her, captivated by the magnetic aura of strength that surrounds her.

Yet, whether in awe or apprehension, all who witness her martial prowess cannot help but offer a deep-seated respect. Sairah's reputation is not merely built on the fear she commands; it also resonates with a commanding respect that permeates the very essence of her being.

She is TRIKOVA, the shadow hunter.


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