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Angie's POV

I was lying in my bed next to German when I suddenly felt a very painfull pain in my stomache.
German woke up.
"Whats wrong honey?"
"The, baby, she's coming!"
"What? Oh, lets go to the hospital."

German's POV

I helped Angie down the stairs but its really hard cause her whole body is probably in pain. Vilu came out of her room.
"Angie? What happened I could hear you over here?"
I put my jacket around Angie and then I said to Vilu.
"Vilu, your sister is being born!"
"What?! Sorry, Angie!"
Angie coulden't even awnser.
She looked so weak. Her hair was stikky and her pj's were sticking to her body. And it must be worse for her now!
"come on Angie, lets go."
"O, okay..."


"Okay miss Castillo, only one more push!" Said the nurse.
I saw Angie pushing with all her strength.
Then the nurse had a little crying baby in her hands.
I smiled and took Angie's hand.
"Well done sweetie."

Angie's POV

I just have birth to our beautifull girl.
The nurse came back and handed the baby over to me.
She was so cute. She had my eyes, and the rest was Germans.
"She's so cute. How are we calling her?" German said.
"I think, this is Lauren."
"Lauren, yes, Our beautifull Lauren."

Waited long enough ♡♥ (Germangie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now