Chapter 2

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-Royal Castle-Ball room-

"I'm sure you'll do splendidly into making this ball a success." James says to the two young ladies in front of him.

"Yes your majesty." Say's Lavender Brown, the royal decorator.

"Thank you for letting us plan such an auspicious occasion." Say's Parvati Patil Lavender's Friend and colleague.

"You are the best decorators in Hogwarts after all. If there is anything you need just ask Molly or Sirius or myself if I'm here."

"We will your majesty." Says Lavender Curtseying

James smiles at them then turns to address one of the other servants. "Donovan"

"Yes your majesty"

"Tell Harry to come meet me in the family chambers."

"Yes your majesty." Donovan takes a bow and leaves.

"Now if you'll excuse me Ladies" James bows slightly to them and then exits.

"Wouldn't it be great if his highness chose one of us." Says Lavender wistfully.

"It'll be a dream come true." Say's Parvati with an equally dreamy look.

"Speaking of which." Say's Lavender as she uses eyes to indicate towards the smaller door leading into the thrown room "here he comes."
"Good morning your highness" both say curtseying when Harry walks by.

"Good morning ladies" Harry bows his head a bit and walks out through the double doors at the front.

"Oh isn't he dreamy." They both sigh as they watch the doors to the thrown room close.

-Malfoy Castle-grounds-

"I'm really sorry about this Draco. I seriously do wish I could do something for you, but considering my current situation..." Severus Snape says as he gives Draco an apologetic look.

"It's alright Severus. There's no need. I know you're doing what you can; it's all I can ever ask." Says Draco sincerely.

"It's just...I just feel so helpless. I promised your parents but..." Severus sighs.

"Severus this isn't any of your fault, this is just how my life turned out and I'm used to it. There's no need for you to worry."

"I hate what they're doing to you, and yet you remain bright and cheerful as always. I don't know how you do it; I do admire you for it though. " Says Severus Giving Draco a fond look and a smile.

"It's been years since Father died. I seriously wish I can gain acceptance from Tom." Draco says.

"He doesn't care what you do Draco" Severus scoffs "besides looking between that fat son and whiny daughter I think you're better off without that mans affections."
"Severus you shouldn't say such things." Draco says seriously but sniggering none-the-less.

Severus raises an eyebrow "like hell I can't it's true after all." He takes out a watch from his cloak "I have to go I'll visit you again next week ok."

"Alright" says Draco as he gives Severus a quick hug "I'll see you."

"Oh! I almost forgot" Severus takes out a small box from his cloak "Blaise told me that you had grown fond of these so I decided to buy some from a peddler yesterday at the market."

Draco takes the offered box and opens it "chocolate! Oh thank you Sev. I really do like them." Draco says excitedly as he takes one piece and pops it in his mouth, relishing the bitter sweetness of chocolate.

Severus chuckles as he looks at his godson "Glad I wasn't misinformed. "Enjoy and...hide them. Goodness knows what those horrid siblings of yours would do with it if they found it."

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