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(Cover art and Chapter art are both made and owned by me.)

Kai quickly closed the box of strawberry shortcake cookies and raced out of the house to meet her brother.

"Bye Mom!" she screeched out as Jonah pushed her out of the way and shut the gate behind them. He tugged her along by her bag strap as she continued to frantically wave goodbye to their exasperated mother.

"Bye sweetie, and say hi to Kei for me okay?" She called back, her husband closing the door exasperated before she and her daughter could stall anymore.

Kai turned to her equally exasperated brother, "Aren't you excited to see him again too, he's just as much my friend as he is yours?" She questioned as she tried to keep up with her brother's fervent speed walking.

'Curse tall people and their superior leg length' She scowled at the offending body parts as he continued to ignore her, or at least pretended to.

"C'mon you have to be a little excited, we haven't seen him in like five years right-"

"Six." He looked down at her patronizingly.

She smirked at the correction.

"So you do care after all?" He flinched and stopped dead in his tracks, muttering a soft 'fuck' under his breath. He looked down at me, pure hatred in his eyes, well not pure hatred, I am his big sister after all.

"Can you stop being so hyped up about this, you don't even know if he will remember you..." he trailed off as if leaving something else unsaid, something important.

"If your scared just say that-"

"I'm not scared." He stated firmly, planting his earbuds in his ear so furiously it looked like it hurt, and scurried off picking up his usual annoyed shuffle.

"H-hey wait for me!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kai gulped down a breath of air and she readied herself to enter her new classroom, she had always been fearful of entering new environments, especially ones that involved kids her own age, who would judge her and criticize her and hate her-

She was getting anxious again.

'Remember honey, they can't judge you if they don't even know you, right?'

Her fathers words of wisdom quickly went out the window as she stepped foot in the room. Every head had turned to look at just who disrupted the usual noise of homeroom. The teacher perked up and tilted her head with a soft smile,

"Miss Yamamoto, glad you could join us, I see you didn't come empty handed either." she chuckled as she gestured at the bow wrapped box in Kai's hands.

"No they're for my friend...." She trailed off in the smallest voice she could muster as she gripped the box tighter in her hands. 'Fuck I'm folding already and I haven't even said hi yet'

But they were still staring at her and she needed to assert dominance goddammit!

She mentally slapped herself and marched up to the teachers desk, growing some metaphorical balls so to speak.

"Hello! My name is Yamamoto Kai, I am 17 years old. I am open to answering any question you may have for me, but please refrain from asking personal ones, thank you!" 'Just like dad taught you, doing good girl!' She could practically hear her mom's almost annoying enthusiasm at her actually remembering something her dad told her for once.

Not surprisingly a student raised their hand, a look of pure curiosity on their face, " Hi, if you don't mind me asking, why do you have a Japanese last name when you're...." They trailed off, knowing the rest of their sentence didn't have to be said.

Kai gave a wry smile knowing this was coming eventually, "My fathers Japanese but my mommas from the Caribbean so I took his last name."

The class erupted in loud whispers as they mulled over the new 'foreign" student.

The teacher rapped her ruler against her desk, effectively shutting up the rowdy teens.

"But that won't affect how we treat Miss Yamamoto, will it class?" She practically threatened them as they all nodded yes.

"Great then, Miss Yamamoto, next to Mister Sato please..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kai sped through the halls searching frantically for her brother.

'Where the fuck could he have disappeared to, how is it this easy to loose a six foot four black guy in a sea of Japanese people!'

She abruptly sped to a halt as she was this close to crashing into a rather short, red? No orange head boy who she barely even saw in the first place.

He stared up at her in awe, was he even breathing?



'I'm only five foot ten, you're just really short.' She mentally responded, looking over at the little boy frantically jumping about and flapping his tiny arms, ranting and raving about how I was almost as tall as his teammate Tsuki- wait a minute!

"Did you just say Tsukishima as in Tsukishima Kei?!" She clutched her bag tighter, she could barely contain herself at the thought of seeing her friend again.

"Yeah you know him? I was just about to head to the gym for lunch practice, I think he might be there-"

"THANK YOU!!!" She started to speed off but quickly realized...

"Hey....I don't know where the gym is, c-can you maybe take me with you?" she stumbled over her words, surprised by her own stupidity.

"Sure!" He quickly ran off in the supposed direction of the gym.

"H-hey wait up!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The sounds of sneakers squeaking across the floor, and a ball being furiously thrown around echoes throughout the gym. Cries of frustration ring out from sweaty, hyper-focused boys as the coach calls for a break.

"Can we just stop now? I think we've practiced enough for the day?" Yamaguchi's hoarse voice staggered out as he tried to catch his breath.

" I refuse to have this negativity within my eyesight. Remove it at once." Suga playfully responded, patting him harshly on the back. That only made his breathing that much worse.

Tsukishima took a swig of water from his bottle also trying to calm his breathing, but the breath was quickly knocked out of him by a....force of nature so to speak.


She flung herself so hard at him that she practically flew right at him, squeezing him as he writhed around in confusion.

Of course to say the rest of the team was confused would be a huge understatement.

This girl was hugging Tsukishima? Resident salty asshole Tsukishima? Doesn't let women within ten feet of him Tsukishima?! They had every right to be confused!

"What the- who the hell? Get off of me!" He furiously yelled pushing her off of him as hard as he could, with her iron fucking grip-

"Who the hell do you think you-" He actually got a good look at her face as she stared expectantly at him, as if waiting for him to finally make the connection. She did look sorta familiar, there's really only a handful of people he's ever personally known with that skin tone, but they had moved years ago, could it really be....

"Kai?" His brain finally decided to work and out of his mouth tumbled the first words he remembered.

"You do remember me!!!" She screeched, pulling him in for another lung bursting hug.

Then it all came back to him, there's only one person in his life that actually can kill you with kindness, and her name was,

"Kai Yamamoto, I should have known you'd come back to haunt me one day."

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕖𝕤Where stories live. Discover now