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"Haunt? Bitch, I am the best thing that's ever happened to your pale antisocial ass."

"Really? I seem to remember you always making shit worse for me, you big boned bastard."

"Whose father left them again?"

"Whose grandma disowned them cause her granddaughter came out as bi?"

"Abominable shit goblin."

"Reprehensible fuck waffle."

"Go out in the sun you absolute white crayon."

"Maybe you should join me, you useless paperclip."

They looked at each other, pure contempt it seemed in their eyes, that is until they snapped out of it and she gave him another bone crushing hug, and this time it was more well received.

"I really did miss you Keikei, who else am I supposed to platonically insult?"

" In a weird masochistic way I guess I sort of missed you too.." He trailed off, burying his head into her shoulders as they started to get up off the ground.

" Awww that's the closest you ever came to a confession, I'll take it!" She let him go, crossing her arms triumphantly, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Their moment was quickly interrupted by the unnerving silence that seemed to engulf the room. They turned and looked at the rest of Tsukishima's teammates, mouths agape in awe or shock they didn't exactly know.

Hinata - expectedly- was the first to comment on their interaction.

"...You two...know.... each other?"

"THAT'S ALL YOU GOT FROM THAT?!" The rest of the team chimed in to berate him.

"OF COURSE THEY KNOW EACH OTHER MORON!" Kageyama wasted no time tearing into the poor shrimp, while the rest of them slowly sneaked up behind Kai.

And by the rest I mean Tanaka and Noya.

" So Tsukki, you gonna introduce us to your girlfriend?~" Tanaka purred, placing an arm on his shoulder, giving him a lil eyebrow raise and elbow nudge.

"Yeah, I mean you two did seem pretty close~" Noya shuffled behind Kai to join in Tanaka's teasing.



Quite frankly they had thought about the possibility of being a couple, even discussed it a couple times, but the thought was just always so icky they could never think of each other that way and they especially didn't want to hear it.

"I would have to be blackout drunk to even consider kissing this nerd."

"I would rather stick my dick in a meat grinder."

Yeah they would never be more than friends.

And they were absolutely cool with that.

"Seriously? The way she jumped on you reminded me of those really cheesy rom coms where the long lost lovers finally get reunited." Suga commented looking them up and down.

"Nope. I've known Keikei for too long to even be remotely interested." She shook her head firmly, leaving no room for debate.

"Well now that that's sorted out," Daichi started, hands on his hips. "Aren't you gonna introduce us?" He gave a reassuring smile.

Tsukishima looked at them, pondering if he should even consider opening the bag of worms that was his relationship with Kai and-

Well, speak of the devil eh.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕖𝕤Where stories live. Discover now