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LEADER: Lionstar- golden thick furred tabby tom

DEPUTY: Moorpelt- light brown she-cat with darker brown underbelly

MEDICINE CAT: Grassmuzzle- wiry old blue-gray tom with grass green eyes

APPRENTICE, Chestnutpaw

WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)

Quickfeet- bright ginger tom with black dapples

Stormheart- dark gray she-cat  with scarred muzzle

Poppytail- cream she-cat with gray spots 

APPRENTICE, Bramblepaw

Owlcry- white tom with amber eyes

APPRENTICE, Lightningpaw

Seedfur- white tom with brown dapples

Hollystripe- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Ivy- gray she-cat with ivy coloured eyes, former rogue

Softspring- pale ginger and gray she-cat

Gorseleap- dark brown tabby tom with one pale brown paw


APPRENTICES: (more than six moons old in training to become warriors)

Chestnutpaw- ginger she-cat with brown dapples, medicine cat apprentice 

Bramblepaw- brown she-cat with yellow eyes

Mothpaw- gray tom with brown spots

Lightningpaw- pale ginger tabby she-cat with one blind eye

Flashpaw- dark ginger tom with amber eyes

QUEENS: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Leafpuddle- thick furred gray she-cat, mother of Lionstar's kits (Nettlekit, pale golden she-kit and Rockkit, dark gray tabby tom.)

Rabbitflight- thick furred gray she-cat with white paws, mother of Shrewkit (tan she-kit with gray and brown patches a white underbelly and paws)

ELDERS: (former elders and queens, now retired)

Leopardfern- golden she-cat with black spots

Berryclaw- white tom with blue eyes, deaf


LEADER: Hawkstar- nearing elderly dark gray tabby tom

DEPUTY: Redlight- flame coloured she-cat with white paws

MEDICINE CAT: Blackpelt- black she-cat with white chest

WARRIORS: Tornpelt- brown tom with a long scar along his torso

Frostflame- white she-cat with ginger dapples

APPRENTICE, Flippaw (pale gray thick furred she-cat)

Brakenface- brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes 

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