Chapter 6

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     "You want to dart in like this, moving as quick as possible, before landing a few blows. Once your opponent starts make a move dart back." Seedfur demonstrated on Mothfur while Softspring explained what was happening. Shrewpaw sat beside Nettlepaw and Rockpaw as they watched they're mentors. They were doing battle training! It was a couple moons into their apprenticeships and it was so great. In the time Shrewpaw had been an apprentice she had already learned so much and it had been so fun!

     "Shrewpaw, Nettlepaw why don't you come give it a try." Softspring mewed calmly beconing the two she-cats forwards with her tail. Shrewpaw stepped to her paws excitedly, she couldn't wait to try the new move. 

     "Nettlepaw, you tryout the move on Shrewpaw first, then she can try it on you. Rockpaw, just watch for now" Seedfur meowed, gazing to his apprentice. Shrewpaw saw her friend give a nod and she got into position. She fluffed up her fur and barred her teeth to give off a more menacing look. She waited for her friend to be ready and then before she even realized it Nettlepaw was darting forwards. Before Shrewpaw could move she felt Nettlepaw deliver blows to her side and when she tried to swipe, her friend darted away. They continued but Shrewpaw was eventually left dazed.

     "Well done, Nettlepaw." The voices of all three apprentices mentors sounded as Shrewpaw recovered. 

     Shrewpaw looked over at her friend, who looked extremely proud. "Good job, Nettlepaw." She purred happily. Walking over to her friend and brushing her shoulder. 

     "Shrewpaw now you try." Shrewpaw heard Softsprings voice before backing away. She got into position, facing Nettlepaw the same way as before. Then she darted forwards and batted at  Nettlepaw's  shoulder before darting away as Nettlepaw started to make a move.  She then darted as quick as she could around her friend and delivered a couple blows to her hind leg. Nettlepaw began ton spin around and Shrewpaw darted back. This continued until her friend like she had been, was left dazed.

     "Good job, Shrewpaw." The three mentors this time congratulated Shrewpaw. She felt pride rush through her as she heard what they said. She looked over at Nettlepaw and saw her walking towards Rockpaw. As Shrewpaw walked over to her friends she thought about how Rockpaw had been silent the whole time. He was probably just concentrating, she thought. When she got over she flicked Nettlepaw's shoulder with her tail. 

     "Rockpaw did you see them? Its your turn, come here with Nettlepaw, try the move on her then she'll try it on you. After that you can try it with Shrewpaw as well." Mothfur meowed to his apprentice. With that Shrewpaw watched her friends get ready.

                                                                   * * *

     Leaves crunched under Shrewpaw's paws as she neared Four Trees. She looked up at Rabbitflight and saw her mother looking back down at her. 

     "I can't wait to see Volesplash again!" Shrewpaw cheerfully mewed to her mother. 

     "Me too Shrewpaw." Her mother replied. They walked side by side to the hollow, and when they got there Shrewpaw saw her father in the clearing bellow.

     "Volesplash!" Shrewpaw cried as she raced into the clearing, towards her father.

     "Oh little one, I'm not Volesplash," The cat replied. Shrewpaw was confused and took a step back. She had been so sure this was her father, the cat even looked like him! "Oh darling don't be startled. It's just my name is Volestar now. Anyway you must be Shrewpaw now, right?" He chuckled.  

     "You startled me! Wait that means your leader now!" Shrewpaw exclaimed at the same time as Rabbitflight mewed, "What happened to Poolstar?" They all seemed to forget about Volestar's comment on her probably being Shrewpaw now.

     "Oh, Poolstar. Sadly she died from wounds inflicted by rogues who jumped a patrol." Volestar replied sadly, and she saw a shadow creeping across his face. Shrewpaw watched as her father shook his head, as if to clear it. 

     "Who did you pick for your deputy?" Shrewpaw heard her mother ask.

     "Laurelcrest, I knew she would be great for the job." Volestar replied calmly.  Shrewpaw watched as her mother nodded.

     "She would be a good choice." Rabbitflight agreed. From the sound of it, Shrewpaw thought Laurelcrest must  have been a great warrior.

     "Well what's gone on with you two recently?" Shrewpaw's father questioned.

     "Well I'm an apprentice now! My mentor is Softspring! I've had so much fun training!" Shrewpaw purred excitedly. She looked up at Rabbitflight wondering what her mother would say.

     "Like Shrewpaw said, she's an apprentice now," Rabbitflight chuckled and Shrewpaw spotted her looking down towards her. "Other than that not much has gone on in WindClan." Rabbitflight added to what they told Volestar. After that the family spent time together and talked for a while. But they did make sure to leave with enough time for them all to get a little sleep before morning. 

     When Shrewpaw finally sank into her nest for the, little bit of time she had she fell deep asleep within seconds. 

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