Chapter 7

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     Shrewpaw looked up at the full moon up in the sky. Tonight would be her second gathering and the third gathering since she was made an apprentice. She was so excited as she and Nettlepaw walked side by side, Rockpaw walking quite close to them. 

     "What do you think will happen tonight?" Shrewpaw asked her friends. Her first gathering hadn't been very exciting and she hoped she would hear something interesting.

     "No clue." Rockpaw replied, but just after he finished, almost cutting off her brother of, Nettlepaw chirrped. "Hopefully something exciting!" 

     After that Shrewpaw chuckled. "I was thinking the same thing Nettlepaw." she purred happily. She walked with her friends as they approached Four Trees.  When they reached the edge of the clearing they paused before running in with everyone else on Lionstar's command. 

     "Seems like we're the first Clan here!" Rockpaw mewed. Shrewpaw and Nettlepaw nodded in agreement.

     "I wonder what Clan will arrive next!" Shrewpaw exclaimed. But she didn't have to wait to long before RiverClan appeared at the edge of the clearing. Volestar was at the head of them. 

     But by the time Shrewpaw realized that her friends wouldn't know that Poolstar had died, and Volestar was leader Neetlepaw let out a surprised mew. "Where's Poolstar?"

     "I don't know." Shrewpaw replied. She felt bad about lying to her friends, but they couldn't find out about her and Rabbitflight's meetings with Volestar.

     "Same, I have no clue." Rockpaw added. At that point RiverClan warriors were starting to fill in among the warriors of WindClan. Shrewpaw along with Nettlepaw and Rockpaw headed over to where a couple of RiverClan apprentices stood. 

     "Hey you three are Shrewpaw, Nettlepaw and what was your name again- oh ya Rockpaw right?" A black tom mewed from beside a blue-gray she-cat.

     "Ya. Did we meet you at the gathering two moons ago?" Shrewpaw mewed, somewhat surprised that this apprentice had remembered her and her friends names.

     "We didn't really meet but we heard your names announced for becoming new apprentices." The blue-gray she-cat replied.

     "Ya, but anyway, I'm Thriftpaw, and this is Sagepaw." The tom added, pointing with his tail to the  she-cat.

     "Nice to meet you!" Neetlepaw exclaimed beating Shrewpaw to it, so she nodded her head in agreement. When she looked over and Rockpaw she saw him doing the same.

     After that they talked an apprentice from ThunderClan named Wetpaw joined in when they arrived. They kept talking and occasionally one of the apprentices would show off a battle move. Once all the clans were there and began settling down, the leaders all hopped up onto the Great Rock. All the gathered apprentices rushed back to their Clans and sat among their Clanmates.

     "Every-cat gather-round this gathering is beginning." Marshstar called from on the rock, where Shrewpaw could see her beginning to sit down beside Hawkstar. She also saw the ShadowClan leader motion to Volestar to speak first. 

     Shrewpaw saw her father nod before stepping forwards. "I would like to start by saying, that sadly within the last moon Poolstar has lost her last life. But since I have been made leader and given nine lives by StarClan. I have also named Laurelcrest the new deputy of RiverClan" Volestar announced.

     "Volestar! Laurelcrest! Volestar! Laurelcrest!" Cats from all four Clans cheered, barely waiting for Volestar to finish. 

     "Congratulations, Volestar. But of course we also give our condolences for the death of Poolstar." Hawkstar meowed, and Shrewpaw watched as Marshstar, and then Lionstar nodded their heads in agreement.

     Before Volestar continued, he dipped his head in acknowledgment of the words of the other leaders. "But even with this set back, RiverClan thrives. Prey is running well, and we have two new warriors, Ripplecreek and Pebblesplash!" 

     "Ripplecreek! Pebblesplash! Ripplecreek! Pebblesplash!" The cats in the clearing below cried. Shrewpaw turned her head to follow they gazes of every other cat and saw a gray tabby tom with a brown underbelly standing beside a speckled gray she-cat. When everyone finished cheering Shrewpaw watched Volestar dip his head to the other leaders before sitting down again. She wondered which leader would speak next. 

     Shrewpaw didn't need to wait long because Hawkstar cleared his throat to speak and stepped forward. "Prey is running well in ThunderClan. We do not have new warriors, apprentices or a new deputy, but we do welcome a new litter of kits. Finchkit and Spiderkit were born to Wrenwing." The old leader's voice reached each cat in the hollow. "Other than that, Nothing has been going on in ThunderClan." Shrewpaw watched as Hawkstar stepped back and sat down with the other leaders. Once the ThunderClan leader sat down Shrewpaw watched him nod to Marshstar and she watched as the ShadowClan leader stepped forwards.

     "In ShadowClan all has been fine. Prey is running well. We have two new warriors, Whisperpaw and Silentpaw have become warriors. Their new names are Whispersong and Silentpounce!" Marshstar announced, standing tall on top of the Great Rock.

     "Whispersong! Silentpounce! Whispersong! Silentpounce!" All  the cats cheered.

     "Other than that, nothing notable has happened in ShadowClan." Marshstar had finished once all the cats finished cheering. Shrewpaw watched as Marshstar stepped back and sat down. Then the final leader, Lionstar, Shrewpaw's leader stepped forwards.

     "In WindClan prey is running well. We have had a mainly peaceful moon." Shrewpaw listened as Lionstar spoke. But then she watched in shock as before continuing her leaders expression turned into a scowl. "But there is one thing that WindClan will not tolerate, and that is tresspassing! We have found RiverClan scent, and prey blood on our territory!" Lionstar's voice seemed to change to a growl, and Shrewpaw watched him shoot her father a glare. 

     Yowls came from the RiverClan warriors and Shrewpaw watched as fur began to bush up everywhere among the WindClan and RiverClan warriors.

     "Are you saying my Clan is trespassing and stealing prey!" Volestar hissed, and Shrewpaw saw his neck fur spiking as he glared at the WindClan leader.

     "Yes that is what I'm saying," The WindClan leader snarled. "Even if you didn't know, Volestar that is very much what I am saying. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now." Lionstar growled. But as Shrewpaw watched the two leaders glaring at each other she realized the clearing was getting darker. She looked up at the sky and saw that clouds were covering the moon.

     "StarClan's angry!" Shrewpaw murmured to her friends. She barely saw as both Nettlepaw and Rockpaw nodded agreement.

     "StarClan is angry, this gathering is at an end." Marshstar announced while everyone watched her step between the angry toms. 

     Both Marshstar and Hawkstar gave brief nods before hoping down from the Great Rock and leading their Clans away. Lionstar and Volestar however just turned their backs before jumping down and stalking away at the heads of their Clans. 

     As Shrewpaw followed her Clan leader along with the rest of her Clanmates she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. What will happen if RiverClan doesn't stop? Will WindClan and RiverClan go to war?

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