yeonjun: broken leg

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Txt were normally practicing their dance as every members were tired. They have been practicing for 7 hours already but yeonjun was the only one who didnt master that one move yet. He decided to stay a bit later to catch up with his members. They were asked to go home.

Yeonjun was now alone in the practice room. He went to fill up his bottle for later since he planned to probably stay for at least another 3 hours. It was already late at night, 10pm. He kept practicing and practicing until he was out of breath and fell to the ground too lazy to even take his water bottle. The song was still playing loudly in the background which made his headache worse. His body was aching and he was dizzy. He decided to take a break on the cold floor but he then remembered that he needs to practice more. He danced for another 20min and wanted to take a water break again. He saw that his water bottle was empty so he went to fill it downstairs.

Yeonjun tiredly walked out from the studio and went downstairs. His head was spinning and every steps he took on the stairs made him dizzy. He then slipped on the next step and rolled down all of the steps to the ground. He felt a sharp intense pain in his leg and tried to move it. He screamed even more since the movement hurt so much. He was gripping his leg while wincing. He then passed out from the pain.

Beomgyu was practicing his vocals in a studio nearby when he heard a thud and then screaming. He thought it was just soobin and his clumsiness so he ignored it. Then it went silent a few minutes later so the younger was feeling something off. He walked out from his studio and went downstairs because he thought hearing the scream coming from there.

He saw yeonjun on the ground passed out. He panicked so he ran to him and tried to shake his hyung. The older did not wake up so beomgyu took out his cellphone to call the emergency number. He also called the other members who were already at their dorm.

The ambulance came shortly after the call and put yeonjun on the stretcher. Beomgyu saw the older carried by the men and started sobbing. He was so scared of what might happen. He begged them if he could come in the ambulance and after a while of begging they let him.

A few hours later, yeonjun was still in the operation room and the members were waiting in the waiting room. Kai and taehyun were sleeping since it was 3 in the morning. Soobin and beomgyu were awake and stressing.

The doctor came out and asked for "family of Choi Yeonjun?" The maknaes were too tired to hear him and only soobin and beomgyu did so they hurriedly walked up to him and asked for yeonjun's condition. "Is he alright? Please tell me he is" beomgyu said. "Yes he is alright but there were a few complications during the surgery. He had 2 broken bones in his leg, one in his knee joints and the other one was his ankle. The one in his knee was broken into two so one of them punctured into his nearby muscle which created a complicated injury. We already fixed it with a metal piece in between the bones and we inserted some nails for support. The bad news is he will not be able to dance anymore, I know that you guys are dancers but he would not be able to walk normally after this so he obviously can't dance. His leg will be in a cast for 6 months and then he will need to do rehab for 2 months." The doctor explained. The members were crying with the hands on their mouth knowing that it will be a painful news for his hyung. "Thank you doctor" and they bowed.

They were finally able to visit yeonjun because he is in a stable condition now. They slid the door open and saw the older sleeping. His whole leg was in a white cast. It started from the very top of his thigh to his foot. It was elevated with the help of a fabric support hung in the ceiling. They looked around and saw some IV bags and other medical liquid inserted into his arms with needles. He looked so vulnerable and pitiful.

Beomgyu decided to stay with him and told the members to go home and rest. He took a chair nearby and placed it next to yeonjun's bed. He was so exhausted that he slept on the side of the older's bed.

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