taehyun: stabbed

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A/N: (They're not idols yet in this story and goes to school.)

Taehyun and beomgyu were talking together after the last period ended. They talked about the most random things and decided to go home.

There was no silence between those conversations which means how entertaining they were. Not knowing someone was following behind them.

Taehyun sensed something off but decided to shrug it off. He arrived home and saw his older hyungs watching tv.

Soobin and yeonjun were in university and didn't have any classes today. They stayed home relaxing.

Hueningkai came home 1 hour later because he had to volunteer work to do at school. The younger was in the same grade as taehyun's but different class.

They ate their supper and talked about their day. The night came and everyone went to sleep.

Taehyun was then woke up with a notification from his phone. He tiredly opened it and saw an unknown number texting him.

"Hello taehyun"

Who are you?

"Meet me at the alleyway next to your house."

Taehyun blocked the number because who even was he.

He decided to ignore it and not tell his friends. He went back to sleep.

The morning then come and they all had classes today so the older members are already at school. The younger members and beomgyu walked slowly to school later on since they were still early.

The school day finishes again and today taehyun had to walk back alone since everybody was busy.

He walked passed the alleyway that the stranger told him to go. Even if he did not want to pass by there, he was obligated to since it was the only way to go to their house.

Before he could even walk another step, someone pulled him to a dark scary place. The stranger's face was covered with a black mask. Only his eyes were left out.

"I told you to come here, why did you ignore and blocked me?" He was clearly angry.

"Stop let me go! Who are you?"

"You don't need to know but since you didn't listen to me, I'll give you a punishment." He then grinned.

"HEL-" he was cut off when he felt a sharp pain near his ribs.

He looked down and saw a knife stucked in it with blood pooling down.

The man then ran away letting the younger there with the weapon still stuck inside.

Taehyun pulled out the knife even though he knew it was wrong but he still did it. He held onto his stomach to stop the bleeding and limped his way out.

Half way out, he started to feel dizzy and black dots covered his vision. He passed out and fell to the ground. No one saw him.

Beomgyu was walking back from school and obviously passed by the alleyway. He saw blood seeping out and was curious. He stepped closer to check but to his surprise, he found taehyun lying there motionless.

He hurriedly picked up the boy and ran to the hospital near them. The nurse took the younger away and beomgyu called the others.

They patiently waited knowing that taehyun is strong and will make it.

The doctor then came out from the operation room. "How is he?" Beomgyu asked. "He's fine, he just got stabbed but it wasn't deep and did not touch any further organs. You can see him now, he will be awake soon". The male then walked out.

The members went into the room and saw taehyun in a hospital gown lying on the bed. His shirt wasn't button up which reveals the bandages around his waist. There was blotches of red blood but its normal.

The younger then slowly opened his eyes and stared at the unfamiliar white ceiling. He came to his senses and heard beeping sounds. He remembers what happened and realizes that hes in the hospital.

"Hey, how are you?", "does it hurt?", "what happened there?", "why did you not wait for my class to be done and walk back together?" Taehyun was bombed with beomgyu's questions.

But all he could say was "sorry" and "I'm fine".

The others were downstairs buying food at the vending machine.
They visited him when finished.

Taehyun stayed overnight and maybe for 2 more days or so and he can be discharged.

Beomgyu came back in the morning. He knocked on the door and heard a raspy "come in". He slid the door open and walked in.

-How are you feeling? You look pale.

-I'm fine, it just hurts more today.

-I will call the nurses, wait here.

Beomgyu stepped out of the room to call a nurse. She came and took a look at taehyun's wound. She changed his bandages and left.

-i bought your favorite candies!

Taehyun then sat up to reach it but beomgyu teasingly held the candy pack further and higher.

"Ohh!! I want some- ow" the younger winced and let out a groan. He closed his eyes tightly and clutched into his stomach.

"Omg! I'm sorry, are you ok?" Beomgyu panicked.

He laid taehyun back down and stopped teasing.

"Its ok, its hurts a bit but I'm fine. Can I have my candies now?" The younger poutted.

"Awww you're so cute! Here." Beomgyu hands him the candy and watches taehyun eating it deliciously.

Taehyun was discharged 2 days later but he still needs to take it easy.

Beomgyu was there the whole time to help the younger. He supported him to walk out and called yeonjun to drive them back. Even if their house was close, taehyun can't walk that much, hes not healed yet and still in pain.

He arrived home and slowly walked to his bed. He laid down with the help of his friend.

They were told to change his bandages every morning and nights. To not let water touch and to not move too much.

Night then come and beomgyu wanted to take care of it. The members will take turns but beomgyu wanted to do it today.

He helped taehyun sit up and unwrapped the bandages. He slowly cleaned around the wound with a cotton swap damped in water to get the dried blood out since they never do it at the hospital.

He also applied the prescribed medicine the doctor gave on it. The younger clenches his teeth and let out a groan. Beomgyu notices it and stopped for bit to not hurt the younger further more. He had to continue even if he did not want to hurt him.

He finished applying the cream and wrapped around taehyun's waist a new bandage.

"Thank you" the younger said.

"Welcome" .

The next day, taehyun was allowed to shower but to not let water touches his injury.

Beomgyu helped him clean carefully and washed his hair. Well, for the lower part, taehyun did it himself since it was quite personal and embarrassing.

The members also took turns to help him but mostly beomgyu, since they were closer with each other.

Taehyun then healed perfectly and went back to his normal schedules. He remembers to now always walk with one of his members and to never walk alone unless he wants this to happen again.

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