huening kai: fainted

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Kai's POV:
I woke up with a strong headache, I felt like I needed to vomit. Every step that I took, made me dizzy.

I walked to the toilet bowl and tried to empty the contents from my stomach but none came out. Of course, I didn't eat anything yesterday.

So I decided to forget about it. I'll just take some medicine or something since we have a performance to pre record after.

I didn't have any appetite so I simply just drank milk. I finished and went to see in the medicine cabinet.

There was none left.

'The day is starting bad' I thought to myself. How am I going to perform if I can't even walk properly without seeing the walls waving.

I took a short nap so my headache can maybe decrease a bit.

End of POV.

it was now time for the members to get ready and to go practice.

They are going to dance their new song, puma.

Kai decided to tell his members about his condition.


"Yes?" Soobin replied.

"I don't feel very well, I dont think I can dance." Kai uncomfortably blurted out.

Soobin then just laughed which made the younger shocked.

"What did you say?" He continues laughing.

"Hyung, I'm not joking I feel light headed."

"Kai-ah, stop fooling around, you can play all you want after recording."

Kai was hurt that his leader didn't believe him.

It was time to do the recording of the performance. Huening was worried of what might happen. He feels like he's gonna fainting.

But why bother telling his members anyway, none believed him. He also even told yeonjun and taehyun but they all laughed at him.

They think he is being lazy and does not want to dance.

The recording begins..

Kai's POV:
my head hurts. It feels like someone is hitting me on my head with a hammer repeatedly.

I am worried about the part where yeonjun hyung goes on soobin and my back.

If I make a mistake, I could injure myself or hyung might fall. I really dont want to do this, I already dont feel good.

Ugh here comes the part.

End of POV.

Hueningkai then prepared to be jumped on. He feels even dizzier now that his head was lower to the ground.

He is starting to lose his balance any time soon and passed out.

Yeonjun jumped on both of their backs but kai suddenly loses balance and almost made him fall.

Kai then fainted.

Yeonjun's POV:

It was my turn to jump or their backs. I hate this part, it looks cool but its dangerous.

Anyways, here we go.

I jumped on their backs but kai suddenly started swaying and loses balance.

I almost got a heart attack. I thought that I was going to fall and hurt my back again.

I proceeded to scold him.

"Hey! What is wrong with you? You almost made me fall!" I screamed at him.

Then I saw his face. It was pale and there was sweat pouring down, but we only started the song it hasn't even been 1 minute yet. How is he already tired?

He shockingly fell to the ground.

I panicked and ran to him.

"Hey! Cut the cameras, why are you still filming?? Call 911!" I screamed to the staffs.

End of POV.

Everyone started panicking. They tried shaking him but he was passed out.

They now calmed down a bit when the sirens were heard.

The ambulance brought kai to the hospital. He was now placed on a bed to do some check ups.

The members had to wait for 1h in the waiting room.

They impatiently waited for the nurse to call out his name.

36 minutes later, "family of kai kamal huening?"

"Yes its us." The members stood up.

"You can go see him now, in room 553, hes awake."

They entered the room and saw kai sleeping. He must have been exhausted. Poor him.

He then woke up 1h later. He stared at the bright ceiling and looked to his side. He saw his 4 friends.

"How are you feeling?" Beomgyu asked.

"I feel better than earlier." "Omg wait what about the performance-"

Kai was cut off by beomgyu. "Its ok, were going to postpone it.

They had a chat about games and plushies until the doctor came in.

"Hi, you must be hueningkai. So you have fainted due to overworking and malnutrition. You will be better soon if you work less and eat more." The male then left.

Yeonjun, taehyun and soobin felt bad for not believe him.

"Hueningie, were sorry, we didn't believe you."

"Wait what? Believe in what?" Beomgyu confusingly asked.

The 3 looked at each other then looked back at beomgyu.

"He told us he didn't feel well this morning but I just laughed it off thinking he was joking. " soobin shyly said.

"Soobin hyung, I cant believe you. You will be punished. You can't eat ice cream for a whole month." Beomgyu grounded him.

"And both of you, you're not getting away with it. Yeonjun you're sleeping on the sofa for 1 week and taehyun you're going to wash the dishes every day for a month. Understood?"

Beomgyu might be younger than the oldests but he acts the most mature and educated.

He sometime scares them because of the way he acts like the oldest.

Hueningkai was now discharged, he got to eat all the ice cream he wants and he was privileged.

While the 3 others are doing their punishment. Beomgyu was hanging out with kai.

They then now learned that they should always listen and believe everything the members say. It might be something serious.

Beomgyu once again, chose the rule to also punish the ones that pranks and jokes about serious situations.

They're now all happy and learned their lesson. Hueningkai got more attention than he used to have and beomgyu was decided to be the one that punishes or make rules.

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