soobin: faking?

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Soobin's POV;

I woke up and had the worse headache ever. I've had headaches before but this one can't even be compared to the other ones. Not to mention, my body was also aching from yesterday's practice. I looked at the clock to see that i still have 1 more hour to sleep. I went back to sleep thinking maybe my headache will be gone from then.

1 hour later..

My alarm rang and I got off my bed but the headache was still there. 'This would not be a good day' soobin thought to himself. My head was spinning every step I took. But I tried to ignore it and tell my members later.

No one's POV:

Soobin walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He saw the 4 others eating breakfast and he joined. He did not have any appetite but tried to eat so the members wouldn't worry about him. He doesn't like when he's in the center of the attention and he doesn't like to make his members worry. He feels like a burden to them when he feels sick so he always try to hide it.

At the dance studio..

"Yah! Soobin, get it together and stop messing up! It's not even that hard! Yeonjun yelled at him. Soobin wanted to cry right now but he kept strong and apologized. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me" he said. The members starting to get frustrated as he kept messing. "Just do it right! Do you know that because of you, we will also have to stay for extra hours!? I'm supposed to be already home and sleeping on my bed!" Beomgyu yelled looking really pissed. "I'm sorry, I just dont feel well, my head hurts and my back is killing me" the older said. "Oh come on, stop pretending. You already did that last time. Were not falling for it anymore." The maknaes sarcastically told him. "But its true!" Soobin feeling hurt as the members doesnt trust him. "Yeah yeah whatever" yeonjun says as he rolled his eyes.

A few hours later...

The members starting to get annoyed and left the leader there alone. They went home and made him practice his mistake over and over again. Hes slowing them down and the comeback is nearly approaching, in 2 weeks. Soobin wanted to fall to the floor and cry. He was always told by his members to always tell them everything. But there he is, he told them his about his health and none believed him. He wanted just to disappear and give up. He then suddenly remembered the comeback day again and wanted to do his best to show MOAs a perfect performance. He got back up and started dancing. Here comes the footwork where he kept struggling. As he danced, he did a mistake and his ankle bent over in a weird way. He fell down holding into his ankle in pain. He wanted to cry so bad. He sat up and looked at it. The redness already starting to appear. He tried touching it, it was tender and he winced as his fingers went in contact with his injured ankle.

Soobin sighs as he tried to get up. He couldnt walk because it hurts so he limped his way to his personal studio. He had a first aid kit in his room because he is clumsy and often hurt himself. He took out a roll of bandages and wrapped his foot. He let out a groan when he lift his leg to bandage it. He then finally finished and tried to walk back. "I should stop dancing now and go back home."

Soobin got back to the dorms to see his members watching tv while laughing. Their expressions then switched immediately to an annoyed one as they saw him. He felt hurt but ignored it. He walks back to his room trying his best not to limp but it was nearly impossible. The members went back to watch their movie. They didn't even notice their leader limping and clearly in pain. Soobin washed himself and went to bed praying for his ankle to be better tomorrow so he can dance.

The next morning..

Today, his ankle hurts more than last night. He painfully walked out from his room. He felt ignored again as he saw the 4 members playing games without him. He loved playing games. He decided that he should tell his members about his injury so they can maybe help him. "Um.. hey guys, what are you doing?" The members looked at him and rolled their eyes. "Were playing games cant you see?" Yeonjun said sarcastically. "I'm sorry, I will just go back to my room since my presence annoys you guys." Soobin limped back to his room. "Oh well, are you pretending again to skip practice? Stop trying, we know you're just lazy and don't want to work." Beomgyu said. "I sprained my ankle yesterday, I'm not faking." Soobin said as tears starting to form in his eyes. "Yeah yeah right, I don't care but you're still going to practice. You're not skipping any." Beomgyu said clearly annoyed.

Soobin walked back to his room hurt that no one believed him and all thought that he was joking. He then heard the members' conversation. "Why did bang pd even gave him the leader position, he cant even dance perfectly and is always faking to try to get out of practice, lazy pig." Yeonjun told beomgyu. Without realizing, tears were streaming down soobin's face. He wished he never heard what he just heard.

The time went by as everyone ignored him. He walked down to the kitchen and took some painkillers because the pain was so bad. After taking the pills he went back to sleep because the medicine started to make him feel drowsy.

Taehyun went to do the laundry and he picked up dirty clothes from every member's room. Soobin's room was the last one for him to go in. He turned the doorknob as he entered the leaders room, he was walking pass his bed he saw something off. He came closer and saw the older's ankle. Soobin's blanket wasnt fully covering him so that's how taehyun saw. It was all swollen and had a big purple bruise. The younger brought his hand to his mouth, he was shocked because soobin was telling the truth all this time. He went out to call yeonjun in. "Hyung! Soobin isn't lying, his ankle is really injured!" Taehyun said. "Are you being on his side or something taehyun-a?" Yeonjun was annoyed again but he still went into the room. He then felt really bad for how he treated soobin. It was true. He tried waking soobin up and felt his burning forehead. "Soobin! Wake up, I'm sorry." He said worriedly. He then took a cold wet cloth to put on the older's forehead and changed it every 10 minutes. He also treated the leader's ankle. He put some medicine on it and wrapped it in a bandage. He also put an ice pack over it to reduce the swelling.

Soobin finally woke up and saw yeonjun next to him. "Hyung-" soobin sat up. "Hey, I'm sorry for not believing you." Yeonjun said as he lied soobin back down. "You won't need to come to practice today and for a week. "Then what about the comeback? MOA's will be worried." Soobin asked.  "I will ask pd nim to delay the comeback date so your ankle can get better and that you have enough time to master that one move." The oldest says as he smiled.
"Thank you, hyung".

3 weeks later, soobin was all healed, txt's comeback was successful and everyone enjoyed it.

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