beomgyu: dislocated shoulder

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The txt members worked hard for the last few months and they were now able to relax. Bang pd bought them tickets to go to the new amusement park next to the hybe building.

The hyungs are watching tv to pass  time and the youngest are playing games. Everyone is excited for tomorrow. Beomgyu was talking non stop that he wanted to go on some of the strongest and highest roller coasters. He loves intense rides.

They were now tired and went to sleep. The next morning came and they woke up early to prepare for the short trip. They are also going to stay 2 days and 1 night in a hotel nearby so they are packing some clothes and essentials.

The members each pack their own bags and their own belongings. They then ate breakfast since they are going to spend the whole day at the park. The maknaes are eating banana bread, yeonjun is eating soup and soobin is eating cereals. They were now not too full but not hungry, just right.

The time then come for the manager to come and pick them up. The car ride was pretty chill because each of them were doing their own things. Some members were sleeping, some were eating snacks some were just listening to music.

Beomgyu, the most excited member, saw the roller coasters from afar. "Guys look! Look!!" He screamed. Soobin just chuckled at the younger's cuteness. They finally arrived and showed their tickets at the counter for proof.

The members separated into 2 groups, the child rides and the intense rides. Soobin and hueningkai were in the child rides team and the rest went to ride some intense and fast roller coasters team.
Beomgyu wanted to ride the one called "Vampire" because it looked scary. Yeonjun agreed and the 3 of them went on it. The ride was so fun.

Taehyun spotted something that caught his eyes. The name of the ride was called "LO$ER = LO♡ER", he wanted to go because it was the same name as their new song title. This one looks scarier than the other one. There were swirls upside down it was way higher.

Beomgyu agreed to go. Yeonjun was scared and decided to watch the 2 others from the ground. So it is going to be only beomgyu and taehyun on the ride. The oldest of them two wanted to do a last minute challenge between him and taehyun. "The one that keeps their hands in the air till the end earns free ice cream and the other has to pay" beomgyu said. "Deal." Taehyun agreed.

Both of them hopped into the ride. The first few seconds were fine. None of them give up and both had their arms in the air. But then something bad happened. Beomgyu's arm hit a random metal stick on the train and twisted his shoulder. He let out a yelp and started crying. He held into his shoulder while wincing. Taehyun noticed his friend next to him and grew concerned. "Hyung! What's wrong?" He worriedly asked. "I think I hurt my- my shoulder ah-!" He let out another scream as the ride continued.

They then finished and taehyun with the other guards helped beomgyu out. Taehyun wrapped his arm around beomgyu's waist to support him while the other was crying. Yeonjun saw both of them from where he was standing and ran to them.

"Omg what's wrong?" Yeonjun asked.
He then touched beomgyu's shoulder to see but he accidentally hurt the younger even more. "I'll call soobin and kai and let's go to the hospital."

They arrived into the car and yeonjun stayed in the back with him. Beomgyu was clenching his teeth as his adrenaline started to wore off and a wave of pain hit him. "Hey, relax we're most here." Yeonjun whispered to calm the younger down.

They arrived at the hospital and went into the ER. A nurse came out and brought them into a room. A doctor then came to see the situation. "Hi, I will be taking care of your injury." Beomgyu was in too much pain to even realize a doctor was here.

The male checked the younger's shoulder and knew what was it. "I see that you have dislocated your shoulder, I will be placing it again and you will be good."

"Will it hurt?" Beomgyu cried again.

"It will but you will be fi-" the doctor was cut off with beomgyu's whining. "I don't want to!"

"Hey! Let him fix your shoulder and stop being a baby!" Yeonjun nagged.

Beomgyu finally let the doctor treat his injury. "You can bite into this cloth if it hurts too much" the nurse handed him a piece of cloth.

The doctor then replaced beomgyu's bones. The younger let out a scream and bit into the small towel. It was done in a few seconds. He then thanked the doctor because it stopped hurting. It still does but a lot less than before.

"Stay here, I will come back" the man said.

The members congratulated him for making it and for being strong. Yeonjun patted his back. "Good job"

He came back with an arm sling and some prescribed medications. "You will need to take all of these 10 pills and only 1 a day. If it hurts, just put some ice on it and make sure to do some stretching so it can heal faster." He instructed.

A female nurse came after the male left to help and put beomgyu's arm in a sling. The members then thanked everyone that helped them and went back home. "I'm sorry for ruining your day" beomgyu apologized. "Hey it's ok, it's not your fault, I was the one that wanted to go on that ride" taehyun said. "But I was the one that made that bet-" beomgyu was cut off by yeonjun. "Hey! Enough, that's the past."

They decided to end the day with watching a movie and eating some snacks.

Beomgyu healed after taking all the medication and followed everything that the doctor said. Beomgyu promised not to do dumb challenges anymore and everyone was happy.

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