Chapter two

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A week had passed since the tumultuous incident, and Garfield followed through with his determination to give Raven the space she needed to regain her emotional stability. His restraint was a conscious effort, a deliberate attempt to steer clear of any potential triggers that could reignite hostilities. He spent his days carefully tiptoeing around the emotional minefield, conscious of the fragility of the situation.

Following Victor's sagacious advice, Garfield maintained a respectful distance. He navigated the halls with an air of quiet consideration, conscientiously avoiding any direct interactions with Raven.

In the quiet of the dimly lit hallway, Garfield treaded with measured steps, his anticipation building. As he neared Raven's room, a hopeful breath escaped him, carrying with it the belief that a sufficient span of time had passed since the incident.

Approaching the door, Garfield's mind raced with the delicate task at hand – convincing Raven to help him. The creaking floor beneath him seemed to amplify the gravity of the situation. He meticulously pondered each potential approach, aware that the outcome could shape the dynamics of their relationship.

The first option, the pitiful route. Portraying himself in utter desperation, he contemplated laying bare the depths of his emotional turmoil, emphasizing the haunting prospect of a lifetime condemned to solitude and heartache without her help. However, he quickly dismissed this option, recognizing the risk of appearing overly desperate could potentially invite future ridicule.

The second strategy, the bribe. Proposing a deal that involved a year of devoted service, promising to tidy Raven's room, organize her books, and shoulder all her chores. However, the more he considered the commitment, the more he questioned its feasibility. Did he truly want to bind himself to such an extensive and demanding agreement? Doubts crept in, forcing him to reevaluate the potential consequences of such a pact.

Finally, a more extreme notion crossed his mind –blackmail. The idea of relentless annoyance and an all-out prank war hung in the air. He contemplated using these tactics as leverage, a coercive means to pressure Raven into compliance. Yet, Garfield recognized the inherent danger in this approach. It was the riskiest option, one that threatened to irreparably damage their relationship and, in all likelihood, fail to serve his underlying cause.

Outside Raven's door, Garfield found himself enveloped in the profound silence of the hallway. The stillness seemed to hang in the air, amplifying his contemplative state as he grappled with the upcoming encounter. Aware of the delicate nature of the task at hand, he understood the need to tread carefully, avoiding the pitfalls of desperation, manipulation, or contentious tactics that could further strain their relationship.

Facing her door, Garfield's hand lingered in mid-air, poised to knock. Before he could make contact, however, the unexpected sound of Raven's voice disrupted his thoughts, a calm yet unmistakable presence beside him.

"Can I help you?" Raven inquired, her voice cutting through the silence.

Garfield jumped, startled by her sudden presence. "R-Raven?!" He stammered, caught off guard. "Hey... I was just looking for you."

"I assumed that was why you were about to knock on my door." She responded calmly, her monotone voice betraying no sign of irritation. "Which leads me back to my original question. Can I help you?" The subtle lack of tension in her tone offered a glimmer of encouragement, making her demeanor more receptive to assistance.

Caught between surprise and relief, Garfield gathered himself. "Well... The thing is." He began, his nerves evident in the subtle fidgeting as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I was wondering..."

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