Chapter eight

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The pace they had set for their relationship remained steady, a careful dance that they both seemed content with. Garfield, having gained a fresh perspective on the matter, was particularly cautious not to overstep Raven's boundaries. He didn't want to jeopardize what they had by pushing her too far, especially in public settings. He had come to terms with the fact that he didn't need to showcase their relationship to the world.

Despite his newfound restraint in public, when they found themselves alone within the privacy of the Titans Tower, Garfield's playful nature resurfaced and couldn't help but revert to his habit of testing boundaries.

In the seclusion of his room, in the comfort of his bed, Garfield leaned himself closer to Raven, his lips eagerly colliding with hers. As the kiss deepened, Raven's hand gently ascended, her fingers tenderly tracing the contours of his face. He responded to her unspoken invitation by inching closer to her, their bodies drawing together in the confined space.

With the spark of passion increasing, Garfield was fully aware of his tendency to let excitement carry him away, and made a conscious effort to keep his impulses in check. Shifting his weight to his propped-up arms, he braced himself for the moment when he expected Raven to cease their movements and push him away. To his surprise, Raven's hands moved as well, draping them over his shoulders. She slowly tightened her arms around him, crossing them at the back of his neck and pulling him on top of her as she leaned back on his bed.

A mixture of emotions swirled within him as he slowly broke the kiss, his questioning gaze looking down at hers.

"What?" Raven asked, a hint of impatience evident in her narrowed eyes as she regarded him.

"Are you okay?" Garfield asked, genuine concern coloring his voice. "Are you calm?"

"I'm stable." She replied, her voice steady, reassuring him of her composure. "Though it would help if you felt less anxious."

A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "I'm excited, so sue me."

Garfield's grin, initially playful, gradually faded as he leaned back down, their lips meeting once more. He loved everything about this. The subtle pink blush that tinted her cheeks. The electrifying sensation of her body below him. The feeling of her delicate hands caressing the hairs at the base of his neck. The sound of her shallow breathing as she kissed him. And of course the sensation of her soft lips as they moved against his.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Garfield's chest rose and fell in rhythm with the adrenaline coursing through him. He gently pulled away from her, his eyes filled with an intoxicating mix of desire and adoration. As he hovered above her, a happy smile graced his lips, illuminating his face with warmth and affection.

Raven watched him intently as he broke free from her locked arms and shifted to sit up. However, her gaze shifted to one of curiosity as she observed him with an intrigued expression. He smirked down at her before reaching behind him, grabbing the back of his shirt, and pulling it over his head. He quickly tossed it aside, letting it fall to the floor in a carefree manner. As he gradually leaned back over her, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes and a playful smile on his lips. However, despite his playful intentions, Raven appeared far from entertained. Her expressive eyes narrowed, and her demeanor exuded an unmistakable sense of confusion.

"And the purpose of that was?" She asked, her tone revealing her clear lack of amusement.

Garfield briefly glanced down at himself, a hint of pride in his eyes, before looking back at her. "You said it would be a pleasant surprise." He reminded her, his lips curving into a playful smirk.

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