Chapter four

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Garfield's notifications were going wild, his phone buzzing incessantly with match notifications and messages. The sheer number of girls interested in him was enough to boost his ego to new heights. It was refreshing to see that these women were attracted to him for reasons beyond his superhero identity and powers. They appreciated his hobbies and interests, which made him feel more like himself.

However, as he delved into conversations and went on dates, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. The initial excitement of matching with these women quickly wore off as he encountered certain patterns.

The girls who shared his vegetarian lifestyle were often overly picky and judgmental. They seemed incapable of enjoying their specific diet without constantly broadcasting it as if it were a major life achievement. Every meal became a critique, and Garfield couldn't help but feel like he was being scrutinized for his food choices.

Those who shared his passion for gaming were a force to be reckoned with. They were assertive and merciless, channeling their competitive spirit into everything they did. It was as if they were always in "game mode," and Garfield found himself struggling to keep up with their intensity.

Then there were the comedy enthusiasts, and Garfield couldn't help but notice some irony in the situation. They were often loud, outspoken, and obnoxious, displaying a brand of humor that often made him question if this was how others perceived him. Their jokes were relentless, and while he appreciated a good laugh, he found himself longing for more depth in their conversations.

The thrill of being appreciated for who he was faded as he navigated through dates that felt more like dietary interrogations. The irony of seeking genuine connections while being subjected to constant scrutiny over shared lifestyle choices added a layer of frustration to his dating experience.

Garfield sat at the kitchen island, the weight of disappointment evident in his posture as he recounted what went wrong on his latest date.

"Well, now you know how annoying it is when you force your ridiculous jokes on us." Victor remarked from across the island, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

Garfield ran his hand through his hair, the frustration palpable. "I just don't understand how we could share the same interest, yet be so parallel." He lamented, his words hanging in the air with a touch of vulnerability.

Victor leaned in, ready to offer some advice, his expression earnest. "Well, while it's important to have things in common with your partner, it's crucial to have your own interests as well." He explained. His words carried the weight of experience and the wisdom that came with navigating the complexities of relationships. "Common interests in a relationship are not the only thing that will strengthen your affection. By having different opinions and hobbies, you learn to appreciate each other's differences, and you learn how to find things in common with your partner. It strengthens your ability to compromise and helps you become more open-minded."

"In chemistry, it's called an ionic chemical bond." Raven chimed in from her seat on the couch, her monotone voice lending an unexpected depth to the conversation. "Ions have either positive or negative charges. The different charges complete each other and fill the spaces that the other may be lacking. When applied to dating, the differences within us pull us toward someone who may be our complete opposite."

"Great." Garfield deadpanned, a vacant expression settling on his face.

"Opposites attract." Victor clarified, hoping to help his friend grasp the concept.

"Ah, okay." Garfield nodded slowly. "So, I need to find someone who hates comedy, video games, loves meat, and kicks puppies." He concluded with a dramatic faceplant on the table. "I am going to die alone."

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