Chapter five

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Garfield sat alone in the common room, the plush cushions of the couch embracing his form as he leaned back, his feet casually propped up on the coffee table. The ambient glow from the dimmed lights reflected off his phone screen, and his expression carried a sense of indifference as he tapped away, engaging in lengthy conversations with several girls. He had taken Raven's advice to heart, making a conscious effort to talk to them and get to know them better before hastily asking anyone out.

However, despite the virtual connections he was fostering, conversing through a screen left him feeling unsatisfied. He yearned for more than the digital exchanges, desiring to see the person he was talking to, to hear the tone of their voice, and to observe their facial expressions – elements that couldn't be fully conveyed over a phone.

With a heavy sigh, he tossed his phone aside, the device skidding on the coffee table before coming to rest. "Maybe I don't deserve love." He mused aloud, the weight of his own thoughts boring down on him. His self-deprecating remark hung in the air, hinting at the undercurrent of deteriorating self-esteem that had begun to color his perspective on relationships.

"I really thought your ego was never-ending, but this is really tearing down your self-esteem, isn't it?" Raven spoke from behind him, her words filled with a surprising touch of sympathy.

Startled, Garfield jumped up from the couch, his body turning swiftly to face Raven. "When did you?" He blinked in bewilderment, questioning her sudden presence.

"Gar, you have to stop selling yourself short," Raven interjected, dismissing his question to address the more pressing matter of his self-deprecating thoughts. She approached him with a sympathetic expression, her voice earnest. "You're not as unappealing as you think you are. You have a lot going for you, and you deserve someone who appreciates who you are."

Garfield might have calmed down from his sudden surprise, but the feeling of shock didn't entirely leave his features as Raven spoke genuinely to him. Her words cut through the air, creating a moment of vulnerability between them. His heart began to flutter in response to her caring compliment. It was one thing for meaningless flattery from fangirls to boost his ego, but with Raven, one of the most honest people he knew, saying such kind words, a warmth settled into his chest.

However, as Garfield continued to smile at her, he noticed a subtle shift in Raven's demeanor. The corners of her lips, once softened by sincerity, tightened imperceptibly. "Don't think too much into it." Raven said calmly as she headed towards the kitchen, leaving Garfield standing there, perplexed by her sudden change in behavior.

"What?" He questioned, his confusion evident. Unable to ignore his inquiry, Garfield followed her into the kitchen, where he watched her put the tea kettle on the stove. "Why do you do that?" He asked, a mix of confusion and hurt in his tone.

"Do what?" Raven inquired, her demeanor still calm as she focused on the meticulous task of preparing her tea.

"You gave me a genuine compliment, and now you are taking it back?" Garfield reminded her, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Raven remained composed, her expression unreadable, as she turned to face him. "Who said I took it back?" She replied, her tone carrying a subtle edge of challenge that danced beneath the surface of her words.

Garfield's confusion deepened, a furrow forming on his brow as he tried to decipher the layers of her response. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt at the apparent dismissal of the moment they shared. "Don't think too much into it." He repeated, his voice laden with frustration. "Why can't I think into it? Why don't you want me to think into it?" He signaled animatedly, his gestures punctuating the intensity of his emotions.

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